Away from Brooklyn Dorado Blanco "Brook"
- Born: 4th June 2012
- Owner: Naty Bauer - Czech,
Gallery and news:
25.12.2014 - New photos Brook :-)
New photos of Brook after longer period of time :-) She is same furious and happy like she was always :-) And she is always very very pretty girl! :-)
16.8.2014 - Brook has second CWC titel :-)
2. - 3.8.2014 - Retriever club double examination
Brook is amazing! In her young age she passed with great success already many examination! She got another res CACT titel. I am really very proud of her!
7/2014 - Holiday
Brook is enjoying holiday with her family very much :-)
13.7.2014 - Brook on water hunting tests
Brook passed water hunting tests and was really excellent! :-)
28.-29.6.2014 - Brook pased another working exam
Brook got her next res CACT titel! She is fantastic! :-)
4.6.2014 - Happy 2nd birthday dear Brook!!!
25.5.2014 - Brook passed autumn hunting exam
Brook has shown her excellent working talent and got res CACT titel! This is really wonderful result!
5/2014 - Brook :-)
Brook has so many wonderful photos that I never know what to choose :-)
18.5.2014 - Brook become Expectant of Polish champion titel
Brook got her first CWC titel and become Expectant of Polish champion titel! :-) I am so happy!!!!!
3.5.2014 - Brook on show in Poland
Brook was Excellent 4 in Polish Swierklaniec :-) Congratulations!
4/2014 - Brook on walk
Another wonderful photos of Brook! She is so lovely!
12.4.2014 - National show in Ostrava
Brook participated on natioal show in Ostrava. In big competition of 11 bitches she got excellent!
They enjoyed wonderful day. Following photos are confirming that :-)
30.3.2014 - DUO CACIB Nitra (SK)
Brook participated on Nitra dog show in Slovakia and was placed second with res CAC titel :-) Congratulations!!! :-)
3/2014 - Brook is canisterapeutic bitch! :-)
Naty passed with Brook canisterapeutic examination! I am so happy and proud!
3/2014 - Brook with her friends :-)
2/2014 - Brook training
Naty and Brook are training regulary together :-)
1/2014 - Brook winning in Poland :-)
Brook was placed first under very strict judge Mr. Moa Person (SWE), unfortunately without titel. However I am very proud of them and send big congratulations!!! :-)
Brook and Benny :-)
1/2014 - Year 2014, it will be year full of work :-)
Brook and Naty started new year by training. Very well done :-)
12/2013 - Devils
Brook and her devil gang:-)
12/2013 - Brook walking
10/2013 - Brook passed hunting examination
Brook, together with Naty, passed autumn hunting test! I am very happy about this fantastic news! It is a Naty's deserving, because she works with Brook constatly and hard! Congratulations to both of them! I believe there is great future for them!
And deserving reward
9/2013 - Brook training for working tests
Brook trains with Naty for autumn hunting tests. They are very good and they are going to participate on autumn hunting tests in October in real! I keep my fingers crossed very much!
9/2013 - Brook a Benny on Dolní Benešov region show
Another great succes in Brook's career. She became winner of junior class, got titul "Best junior bitch" and was placed 3rd in final competitions Best in Show. On top of that Brook and Benny won Best couple competition together! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! :-)
8/2013 - Brook on holiday in Alps
Brook enjoying fantastic holiday with in Alps! The pictures are just wonderful!
A samozřejmě koupání! :-)
7/2013 - Špatné zprávy
Je mi to moc líto, ale Brook výsledky kyčlí dopadly velmi špatně :-( Obě kyčle jsou trojkové. Vím, že sen Naty se rozplynul. Chtěla bych jí ale tímto velmi poděkovat za to, že i přes toto velké zklamání se Brook věnuje naplno, nadále spolu pravidelně cvičí, že ji miluje takovou jaká je a jsou i nadále nerozlučná dvojka! Děkuji Naty!
7/2013 - Brook ve 13ti měsících :-)
6/2013 - Brook na výstavě v Polsku
Brook vyrazila se svým parťákem Bennym na výstavu do Polska a svým páníčkům oba udělali velkou radost. Brooči parťák Benny získal zlatou medaily a Brooča bronzovou :-) Zde jejich společná medailová fotka :-) Gratulkááá !!!
6/2013 - Brook na výcvikovém táboře a OVVR
Brook se ve svých 12ti měsících zúčastnila výcvikového tábora. Byla neskutečně šikovná a na závěr tábora složila jako první z celého vrhu zkoušky OVVR. Moc gratuluji holky! :-)
Zde je pár fotek z tábora :-)
Rodinka: Ray (bráška), Meggie (maminka) a Brook Brook s bráškou Ryem
Tuhle fotku miluju!
Brook trénuje na táboře a je opravdu strašně šikovná, všichni ji moc chválí :-)
6/2013 - Klubová výstava RK Konopiště
Brook excelovala na klubové výstavě pořádané Retriever Klubem. V obrovské konkurenci 22 mladých fen se umístila na 2. místě! Rozhodčí byla Mrs. Gloria Gargan. Nádherný výsledek! Obrovská gratulace Naty a Brook :-)
5/2013 - Brook má novou kamarádku
Brook má novou kamarádku. Do party Beňous týmu přibyla Be-Be, trial labradorka :-) To bude pro Brooču pořádná parťačka na lumpárny :-)
Brook and her great success in Nitra show :-) Brook in puppy class, 2x VP1: 8,5 months:
Family photo: Brook with her mother and father :-)
Brook (8 months) is able to raise in the snow like crazy and in between to make professional modeling postures for photos :-)
Brook loves to retrieve whatever it is :-) Even a stick which is bigger then her :-)
Brook 8,5 months :-) She is wonderful!
Brook participated on another dog show, this time in Brno.... and she keeps getting wonderful judging :-) On Saturday she was placed 4th. On Sunday she was really great during very very long judging! She was not placed next to any number, however she looked very nice and look great in the ring! Congratulations Brook and Naty :-) !!!!
20.1.2013 Brook participated on dog show in Poland. She was placed 4th from 7 bitches in puppy class. Naty and Brook are wonderful couple and although they stand aside of different number, they are number one for me :-) Here is a nice photocollage from Naty :-)
Brook is in seven months already a real lady! She is wonderful and I am very happy about each photo of her! Here I have made a choice of few photos were Brook is enjoying a snow season :-)
Brook with her amazing owner Naty and doggy friend Beny :-)
Brook in seven months. She looks great!!! :-)
PF 2013 from Brook :-)
Brook wating for Christmas :-)
Brook training with a rabbit in December 2012. She is really fantastic dog :-)
8.12.2012 Brook and her doggy friend Beny participated on Santa's afternoon in Sanatorium Klimkovice. Brook enjoyed her role of cansiterapic dog very much and loud atmosphere didn't make her any problems. I am very proud of her :-)
Brook like little devil with her best friend devil Benny :-)
Brook and her successes on dog show make me really happy :-) This is photo from Nitra where she got wonderful judging with very promissing 2.
I am very happy that Brook follows her mother in her working abilities and I am very happy that her owner Naty trains with Brook so often and supports her in this way :-) They are very good couple!
Brook grows very fast! She looks more and more like her mother :-)
Brook was on her first show in Poland. She got first place and titul Best Baby of Breed. Big congratulations Naty!
7.10.2012 National show of hunting dogs - Rybnik (PL), Judge: S.Ablamowicz (PL)
Brook in her four months..... very active puppy :-)
Brook in sexteen weeks trains regularly... she has no problem with dummy, animals... she is really clever girl! Naty is very happy about her and me as well :-)
Brook preparing for dog shows :-) Very well done!
Brook in her 15 weeks. She is amazing!
Brook knows swimming already in her two months :-)
Brook with her best doggy friend Benny
Brook trains already since her baby age and she is very clever!