28.12.2012 - Away from Santiago Dorado Blanco "Sanchez" on X-ray
Between Christmas time I expected a very important message! Susan, owner of Sanchez, was going with him to advanced X-ray of hips and elbows. The results made us very happy, hips and elbows are zero :-) Congratulations Susan and thank you for this wanderful Christmas present :-)
24.12.2012 - Christmas Eve :-)
Meggie tired by opening of the presents :-) Rocky a Meggie already opened their presents :-)
Vánoční procházka
Before Christmas Magda and me took our dogs for night walk. Meggie had to stay at home because of her period, but even without Meggie it was a biiiiiig dog group :-)
From left: Max, Rocky, Sofie, Justin, Mia, Sami
19.12.2012 - Max on X-ray
It is always a stressful day for me, when I go with my dogs for control X-ray of hips and elbows. On Wednesday, when I went with Max to specialist, I was nervous again, but waiting for the most expected result was worth it :-) Hips A/A, elbows 0/0 and OCD shoulders negative :-) Yippeeeeee!!!!!
18.12.2012 - Max and his 1st birthday celebration
Max celebrated his first birthday :-) I prepared for him a cake full of famous dog sweets. It didn't take even one minute and the cake has disappeared. I think Max enjoyed it!
13.12.2012 - Wolking in the snow
On Thursday early morning, before I left to work , I walked with my boys on a snow-covered field. Meggie had to stay at home because she started her period and I didn't want to turn our piecful wolk to dramatic adventure :-) I was a little bit sorry for her as she was not happy about her separation, but she must wolk alone these days.
Here there are some photos of Rocky's and Max's enjoyment :-)
9.12. - Saturday's training
On Sunday morning I took Meggie, Rocky and Max for small working training :-) We trained on the field behind our village. I must say that all three were sooooo fantastic. Meggie's tasks were the most difficult, Rocky has got special task to find a bird on 150m trail and Max trained expecially his patience :-)
During the training I had some time to press a button on my camera:
Special and international show Nitra - Slovakia, 30.11. - 1.12.2012
After longer period of time I decided to visit a dog show out of Czech :-) I took Rocky and Max with me. Meggie stayed at home, but she will join us next time for sure :-)
30.11. - Friday was about second places:
Golden Countryside's Jewel General, třída mladých (7 psů) - V2
Bonett Bride to Dorado blanco, třída otevřená (2 psi) - V2, res CAC
1.12. - Saturday was not so lucky for us, but we got in placing positions:
Golden Countryside's Jewel General, třída mladých (8 psů) - V4
Bonett Bride to Dorado blanco, třída otevřená (6 psů) - V3
On Nitra show parcitipated also two bitches from our progeny and they made really good :-)
Away from Atlanta Dorado Blanco (Týna) participated on all three show days and she was fantastic :-) Big respect and congratulation! These are results of Tyna: 30.11. - very promissing 4, 1.12. a 2.12. very promissing, these two days was not placing for pupies, but Tyna got very nice judgement :-)
Away from Brooklyn Dorado Blanco (Brook) participated on the show on Friday with very promissing 2 and Sunday with very promissing (no placing for puppies this day). Brook got wonderful judging and very nice compliments :-) Congratulation!!!
International show Prag, 3.-4.11.2012
This weekend I spent with Rocky and Max in Prag exhibition centre. The results on the show were not bad, but I will not analyse it too much. Who took part on the show knows what I mean. However.... I enjoyed the weekend so much due to company of Krisztina Süli and Beata Grasselli!! :-)
Max obtained first CAJC, BOJ and got the 3rd place on afternoons competition Best of Group.
Rocky got title res. CAC both days
How are our puppies from Meggie and Flopy?
Let's have a look here:

21.10.2012 - DERBY & CACIB Dog Show - Komarom Hungary
On Sunday I left for a long journey to Hungary with Rocky. Our breeder Krisztina has entered Rocky to Derby Dog Show in Komarom. This show was about Derby Winner titel, which each dog can try to get only once a life! Rocky and Krisztina won in intermediate class with CAC titel, later they won a titel Derby in male competition and finally they won the titel BEST DERBY WINNER 2012 between all golen retrievers :-) In between they obtained also a titel reserve CACIB :-D. It was very emotive show!
13. - 14.10.2012 - North Bohemia Derby
Wonderful weekend spent in North of Bohemia! Great atmosphere on Derby examination!
Saturday Meggie made a fantastic work on autumn hunting tests! We lost only one main point plus two small points during one discipline. This small difference in points moved us into second place with res.CACT titel, but I am very very very proud of Meggie and really happy about this result!!! :-)
Sunday was about water hunting examination. We have never done this examination before and I have never seen it, so... big surprise :-) Meggie was sooo fantastic! We lost two very important points on discipline when Meggie had to go deep into a reed and sniff there for 10 minutes, however she was not there long enough. These lost points caused that we fell into II. prize and didn't have a chance to get a titel anymore. All other disciplines were really great job by Meggie! Great judging we got p.e. on handling on the water and marking on the field :-)
Some photos from Saturday's examination:
Meggie needs to sniff in 150 x 50m, after that there is a hidden pheasant in next 50x50 metres area
Meggie on marking follow the track of feathered for 150 metres
on discipline: follow the track of furred for 200 metres
walking at the foot for 50 metres Bringing a duck from deep water
Some photos from Sunday's examination:
Meggie needs to sniff 10 minutes in reed, after that she must find there a duck
Handling on the water - two ducks
Ten minutes of shooting, dogs can not move
22.9.2012 - Rocky a Max on Retriver Club Show in Czech
On Saturday I took our boys to club show in Oslavany. The show was great, there was many nice people I know from training etc. We were also very lucky about nice weather :-) Max was first time in junior class and got wonderful judging with Excellent 2, Rocky was in Czech first time in intermediate class and got also wonderful judging with Excellent 2 and res CAC titel!
Golden Countryside's Jewel Generaly (Max)
Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco
8.-9.9.2012 - Next fantastic success of our Rocky in Hungary!!!
Rocky spent his last weekend in Hungary with his breeder Krisztina with great success!!! On DuoCACIB show he obtained first day a titel CAC and CACIB!!!! Second day he obtained a titel CAC and res CACIB!!! Rocky becomes expectant of Hungarian Champion and expectant of Interchampion in his 16 months! We are so proud of him and we never stop send many thanks to his breeder Krisztina Suli!!! :-)

31.8.2012 - Golden Countryside's Jewel General (Max) on basic examination
Max passed basic hunting exam with full points in his 8 months :-) I am very proud of him!

25.8.2012 - Max on International Dog Show in Mladá Boleslav
On jurney to our week dog training holiday we made a break with Max on International show in Mladá Boleslav. Judge Mr. Šimek liked Max a lot and gave him very promissing 1 :-) It was our last show in puppy class. Next time we go to try it in Junior class.

25.-26.8.2012 - BONETT BRIDE TO DORADO BLANCO - Junior Champion of Hungary
Our amazing Rocky became a hungarian junior champion only in one weekend and he won Best Junior both days together with his fantastic breeder Krisztina!
Kriszti, thank you very very much!!!!
23.8.2012 - Rocky on visit in Hungary
At the end of august traveled our darling Rocky to Hungary to visit his breeder Krisztina. He will stay in Hungary for few days and he will participate on few dog shows. Rocky met there his sister, mother and many other great friends. I am sure he is enjyoing his holiday very much :-)
Rocky and his sister Zikk-Zakk

18. - 19.8.2012 - Dog show in Germany
This weekend I spent in Germany together with Max and Rocky and on Saturday also with Irby :-) They were very relaxed and presented themselves very easy! Max was on the show after long time and I was surprised, how he can drive back his big temperament and knows to be very calm. Max was on first place both days in puppy class, Rocky was both days third in junior class and Irby was second in working class :-)
Golden Countryside's Jewel General (Max)
Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco (Rocky)
Egoiste de Bois de la Rayere (Irby)

10.8.2012 - Puppies are gone
On Friday left our last puppy, orange boy Memphis, who we transported to Prag airport. He took there a plain directly to Finland. Memphis will be part of Karvin kennel. He is very happy there and he meets new friends, for example rabbits :-)

5.8.2012 - Rocky passed basic hunting examination
At the beginning of August I decided to passe basic hunting exam with Rocky. Our preparing for this exam was not easy with eight puppies at home. However I trusted Rocky that he is able to make it and I was not even nevous. We passed examination during a hot day and Rocky was great. Except two small mistakes, when he didn't give dummy into my hand, but dropped it, we had full number of points :-)
There are two photos from the day (thanks to my friend Magda for the photos :-)

14.07.2012 - First standard photos of our puppies
First presented standard photos of our babies in almost 6 weeks of age you can find here

02.07.2012 - Father of our puppies and his great success
Father of our 4 weeks old puppies, Bonett Bride Double Decker "Flopy", is now a guest in Brithness Golden Retriever kennel in Belgium. In local international and retriever club show won in last month the titel BOB alrady two times! Our puppies are proud of their father for sure :-)
Bonett Bride Double Decker "Flopy"
30.6.2012 - Working training
Rocky and Max started their Saturday by training :-) Max is very clever!!! We are very happy, mainly his leader Fahro is very very proud :-) There are few photos here...
Golden Countryside's Jewel General (Max)
23.6. - International Dog Show Brno (CZ)
On Saturday I left for a show with Rocky. It was very strange to have only one dog on the show :-) Max was at home with Meggie and puppies. It was last show in Czech where we planned to parcitipate in Junior class, because I want to pay attention to working tests now. Rocky needed last CAJC to get Junior Champion titel, but there were 14 dogs in our class, so I went to the ring with big respect to other great dogs and my dream to win was very unsure. I heard that Austrian judge Susan Höger is very precise. She liked Rocky since the first moment and finally.... WE WON :-) I am still very happy that my dream came true and Rocky become a Junior Champion of Czech in his 13 months age :-) Over our CAJC titel we got also BOJ and in afternoon's competition we won Junior BOG1 :-) I need to thank again to Krisztina Suli for such amazing boy!!!!!!!!!!

16. - 17.6. Retriever club show - Konopiště
This Saturday and Sunday we spent on dog show i Konopiště. I like this show very much! On Saturday's show participated only Rocky, on Sunday there were both Max and Rocky. Max should have participated on afternoon's competitions BIS Baby, but we had to leave to be back with puppies. However I think Max didn't mind that he left earlier :-)
Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco (Rocky)
16.6. judge: Lynn Kipps: Exc 2 (junior class 18 dogs)
17.6. judge: Margarete Woods: Exc 2 (junior class 13 dogs)
Golden Countryside's Jewel General (Max)
17.6. in words of the judge Mrs. Woods : very very very promissing 1 :-)
13.6.2012 - Swimming
Taking care of puppies is very time consuming! However I found a time for my golden boys to take them to swim :-) They were very happy and Max already goes to swim just by himself although he is not perfect swimmer yet and he swims like a boat splashing water all around :-)

Video from the show - many thanks to Magda Němcová :-)
I got a wonderful surprise from my friend. Let' see it here

4.6.2012 - Puppies
In our kennel were born sweet puppies on Monday 4th of June. The birth took four hours and few minutes. More information about puppies you can find here

30.5.2012 - Walk with Rocky and Max
On Wednesday evening I went to a field for a walk with our two boys. Meggie stayed at home, she doesn't have energy for such kind of walk anymore. Rocky and Max enjoyed that very much and here I made some photos:
Golden Countryside's Jewel General (Max)
Bonett Bride To Dorado Blanco (Rocky)

57th day of pregnancy - Morgiana Misantos & Bonett Bride Double Decker
Finally we made few photos of pregnant Meggie. However, I have a feeling that her big stomach is not seen very well on the photo :-)

The results of hips and elbows of our Rocky
We are extremely happy to have an official result from x-ray of Rocky's hips and elbows. The result could not be better :-)
HD: 0/0
ED: 0/0
CACIB Litoměřice (CZ) 26.5.2012
Another very successful dog show. All dogs handled by myself have been placed between four best dogs in their groups :-)
Bonett Bride To Dorado Blanco (Rocky)
Juge Petr Studeník, Excellent 1, CAJC (from 5 dogs), BOJ, BOB
In afternoon's competition we got Junior BOG 1 and BOG 3 !!!! :-)
Golden Countryside's Jewel General (Max)
Judge Petr Studeník, Very promissing 1 (from 2 dogs)
Kuba Misantos
Judge Petr Studeník, Excellent 4 (from 9 dogs)
And a success of Irby, who is in ownership of Misantos kennel :-)
Egoiste de Bois de la Rayere "Irby"
Judge Petr Studeník, Excellent 1, CAC + CACIB, (Irby became a Czech Champion)
We are going to make update of "Puppies" rubric every evening :-)
You can watch process of Meggie's pregnancy with us by clicking here

World dog show Salzburg 2012
On Thursday, 17.5., just one day after Rocky's first birthday, we went to world dog show in Austria. It was first world dog show in which we took a part and first world dog show we saw at all. One day before the show we stayed in hotel in centre of Salzburg and we set out on trip across fascinating nature! The evening we spent by preparing Rocky for a show... bathing, grooming, drying for next big day :-)
After hectic morning, when traffic around exhibition ground totally collapsed, we arrived to our ring. We met there a czech expedition comming to support us :-) Around the ring for golden retrievers we met many wonderful dogs and their popular breeders, who I knew only from photos till that time!
Into the ring entered Rocky with his breeder Krisztina and they were really perfect couple! In a junior class started 43 dogs!!! Krisztina and Rocky passed through few judging selections. To our enormous happiness they obtained the third place! It was fantastic moment! Thank you Krisztina again for professional handling of Rocky :-)
Retriever Club & Special Show Humpolec 12. - 13.5.2012
This show was really very successful :-) All dogs, who I handled on this show, got great results. Our Rocky and Max received fantastic judgement and Best In Show titels :-)
Bonett Bride To Dorado Blanco (Rocky)
12.5.2012 - Judge Mr. Richardson, Excellent 1 CAJC (from 15 dogs), BOJ, Junior BIS
13.5.2012 - Judge Mrs. Richardson, Excellent 2 (from 13 dogs)
Golden Countryside's Jewel General (Max)
12.5.2012 - Judge Mr. Richardson, Very Promissing 1 (3 dogs), BIS BABY
13.5.2012 - Judge Mrs. Richardson, Very Promissing 2 (3 dogs)
Kuba Misantos - unfortunately we don't have any photo
12.5.2012 - Judge Mr. Richardson, Excellent
13.5.2012 - Judge Mrs. Richardson, Excellent
Successes of dogs handled by myself for Misantos kennel:
Egoiste de Bois de la Rayere "Irby"
12.5.2012 - Judge Mr. Richardson, Excellent
13.5.2012 - Judge Mrs. Richardson, Excellent
Brenda of Dream Team (mother of our Morgiana Misantos)
12.5.2012 - Judge Mr. Richardson, Excellent 1, BOV
13.5.2012 - Judge Mrs. Richardson, Excellent 2

3. International Dog Show - Dresden (Germany) 22.4.2012
On Sunday, one day after our competition at Prokop's Cup, we participated on dog show in Dresden. This time without my husbandy, but together with my mum and my older daughter Laila. My husband is always my photografh, it means, this Sunday we had only very small camera, which is not very good for making photos in the hall.
First in the ring started Rocky. He was entered into junior class (together 6 dogs) and to our great pleasure, he won it :-) Rocky obtained titul of Anw.Dt.Jug.Ch. VDH and became an expectant of German Junior Champion.
Second in the ring started Meggie. She was entered to working class (together 4 bitches). The judge liked Meggie very much, but he liked Happy (bitch of Lucka Srpová) very much too. Therefore, at his request, we run together and under his detailed judgement it was Happy who won :-) Meggie still thinks that running in the ring is a little bit boring :-) However, 2nd place is also very nice and we are happy about it :-) We got a titul Res.-Anw.Dt.Ch. VDH.
Rocky continued his exhibition by choice of Junior BOB and he won it... but didn't know that it is not end of our success that day yet ;-) One hour later, competition started in the main ring. We participated on Junior Best In Show competition with all other best young breeds. There was app. 40 dogs all together! They made a choice of Best of Group first, second, they made a choice of Junior Best In Show. Rocky won Junior BOG and we passed over to Junior BIS judging. The judge started by third place. Waiting was very exciting. What a gladness when I heard "golden retriever" is the first!!! I was incredibly happy!!! It was the top of my existing dog show success!!! Incredible experience.
Bonett Bride To Dorado Blanco (Rocky) - V1 Anw.Dt.Jug.Ch. VDH + Junior BOB
And our Cup :-)
Morgiana Misantos (Meggie) - V2 Res.-Anw.Dt.Ch. VDH

Working Tests - Prokop's Cup 2012
On Saturday we took part in Prokop's Cup organised by Výcvik retrieverů, which celebrated 10 years of establishment. Rocky was entered into Junior class with other 5 dogs and started earlier than Meggie. She was entered into TOP class together with another 12 best working dogs.
Rocky was very skillfull and I was very happy about his work. Finally he obtained 66points from 80 and placed on 2nd place from six dogs :-)
Meggie also had a good day. She was very happy to work! She did a work which she has never done before. Finally she obtained the same points like Rocky :-) 66points from 80 and she placed on 5th place from thirteen dogs.
Rocky on Working Test
Meggie on Working Tests

Training for International dog show in Dresden
We trained a little bit :-) On Sunday April 22nd we go for Dresden dog show!
Rocky Meggie

Mating our Meggie in Bonett Bride kennel
On 31st March and 2nd April 2012 was our Meggie (Morgiana Misantos) mated by wanderful dog Flopy (Bonett Bride Double Decker). We believe that mating was successful and puppies of these amazing dogs will be born in June.
More information in Menu bellow "Puppies"

Meggie - Eyes PRA tests
29th of March 2012 we visited with Meggie eyes PRA tests made by specialist MVDr. Beránek. Meggie's eyes are clear :-) I am very happy!!
Dogshow NITRADOG 3/2012
On Friday I went to Nitra dog show with my friend Magda and our four dogs. On Saturday, we were surprised by change of judge, however Meggie obtained her first CACIB titel, so change of judge was lucky for us :-) All dogs (Meggie, Rocky, Kuba and Justin) got very nice judgement :-) More details and results from this show you can find in Menu under "Dogshows".
Morgiana Misantos CAC, CACIB Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco V2 Kuba Misantos V3

Preliminary results of HD, ED and shoulders of our Rocky
On Thursday, March 1st, we visited orthopeadist MVDr. Skala to break nine month old riddle, if hips and elbows or Rocky are in order. Rocky confirmed quality of his blood and quality of his pedigree and results of hips have shown A/A, elbows 0/0 and we made also X-ray of his shoulders and the results were also great :-) If he had not been sleeping, I would give him pack of sausages! Now we are hoping, that the same opinion and results will be given to us when Rocky is 1 year old on the official X-ray test.

Walking on the snow, 11.2.2012
Although all Czech is covered by snow for a long time, we waited to see it this week for the first time. In temperature of 15 degrees below zero, we walked together with my friend Magda and our dogs Meggie, Mia and Rocky on the field. The sun was shining and we trained the dogs and made a lot of wanderful photos. Here are some of them.... :-)

DUOCACIB Brno 4.-5.2.2012
This two-days dog show was tightly expected by all golden retriever owners due to very prestigious judges Mrs. and Mr. Henessy from Rytzilin kennel. For us was this show very successfull! We were very happy and full of experiences!
Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco, VN1 4.2.2012 Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco, VN1 5.2.2012
Morgiana Misantos, V2 res.CAC 4.2.2012 Morgiana Misantos, V1 CAC 5.2.2012

Rocky (Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco) on dog training (21,1,2012)
After few weeks of pause, Rocky visited retriever training school again :-) Under leading by Jindra Hermannová he fell in love with wooden dumbbell and we enjoyed whole training time very much :-)
Few photos from dog training are here......

International show in Nürnberg (DE) 14.1.2012
Meggie was entered into working class with other 5 bitches. We were very happy to get 2nd place and titel Res Anw. D. Ch. VDH.
In Nürnberg I had a possibility to present beautiful male Irby (Egoiste Du Bois De La Rayere), who lives with Tonda a Iva Misek in Misantos kennel. Irby presented himself with natural beauty. We obtained CAC titel from 7 dogs in working class. Finally we added another two titels CACIB and BOB :-)

National show in Brno - 7.1.2012
Meggie was presented in working class in total count of 5 bitches. Meggee was presented by my friend Magda and they won 3rd place. Thank you Magda for lovely presentation of Meggie!!