PF 2014


23.12.2013 - Lara leaving to her new home

The day of Lara's leave has come. Lara leaves 70km far from us towards Kolín. We will meet her sometimes on dog training school in Prague, what makes me very happy :-) Lara's new owners are very nice people and her best friends will be 9 years old Bára :-)

Have a good life, my dear Lara!


16.12.2013 - Visit from Brno

On Monday arrived a rare visit from Brno :-) Lara was visited by her "second grandmother" Hana, owner of Lara's father Áres Flores Vitae :-) We made some photos, here they are....




2.12.2013 - Lara is already 6 weeks old

Our little Lara (Brave Lady Dorado Blanco) is already 6 weeks old. She is little devil and runs everywhere around the house and the garden. She is really lovely puppy with a great temperament :-) It will be hard to say her goodbye :-)




30.11. - 1.12.2013 - Dogshow in Nitra (Slovakia)

We participated on weekend dog show with Rocky in Nitra and these are the results:

30.11.2013 - V2 res CAC
01.12.2013 - V4

We have enjoyed this weekend very much and Rocky was happy to spend few days without Zarja, who is attacking him every single hour :-)

28.10.2013 - Brook passed autumn hunting exam

Brook, together with Naty, passed autumn hunting test! I am very happy about this fantastic news! It is a Naty's deserving, because she works with Brook constatly and hard! Congratulations to both of them!




21.10.2013 - Puppies are born

On Monday were born three puppies of Meggie and Áres, two boys and one girl. More information and details you can find in rubric "Puppies" here




14.10. - The birth is coming

The time runs so fast and Meggie reached 58th day of pregnancy. Her stomach was shaven by vet who reported three puppies. Therefore Meggie's stomach is not so big, although it doesn't seem on the photo :-) Yesterday we prepared her birth box and Meggie started to rest there immediately. We have few days remaining to the birth, but she rests a lot already and her activity is limited on level "pee and back home again". We start to measure a temperature and adrenalin is rises.



15.9.2013 - Meggie is pregnant

On Saturday Meggie's pregnancy was confirmed by ultrasound. I hope everything will be ok and we will see birth of puppies in the middle of October :-)




1.9.2013 - Rocky on water hunting tests

Rocky finished water hunting examination organised by Retriever club. I am very happy about it! :-) Great job Rocky!



27.8.2013 - New golden girl Zarja

On Tuesday I leave home towards German Leipzig to pick up a new golden puppy. She comes from famous Russian kennel Volente Deo and we call her Zarja or Zarinka. She arrived to Leipzig by "show bus", which continued to EDS in Switzerland. Zarja made her two days journey very well and she became quickly a favourite member of all tour :-) After her arrival home she didn't win only hearts of our family, but also of our Rocky who is interested in playing with Zarja very much. However I think Rocky is too big for her, I rather keep them quiet. Meggie is not very happy about new member of our kennel and she ignores her for three days already, but I believe she will like her soon too.

First photos of our Zarja after coming home...





20. 7.2013 - Meggie became Czech champion

Rocky and Meggie were entered into Czech international show in Mladá Boleslav. I knew that for this year it is last chance for Meggie to finish her Czech champion titul, because it is our last show before planned puppies. To my great happiness we did it and Meggie got her last necessary CAC :-)



13.- 14.7.2013 - Meggie passed universal hunting exam with res.CACT and got a titul "U"

Meggie continued with another great success only one week later! Universal hunting exam is the top of all training for me. We participated on this exam for the first time and with big suspense and expectation!

Meggie passed this exam perfectly! From 22 pointed disciplines she got 19 x four points, 2x three points and 1x two points. Due to that she qualified for res.CACT titul and she was 5th best dog on this examination weekend. I am very happy that we passed it with such great success! It was not easy at all :-)




6.- 7.7.2013 - Meggie got a titul CACT + res.CACT in Czech Derby hunting tests

Fantastic weekend with great success of Meggie! Two days Derby we started on Saturday by autumn hunting tests. Meggie passed it with full points! She was really perfect and she made me happy all day! On Sunday we continued with water examination. She worked great as well, however during tracing of a duck in reeds, we have got lower pointing due to time limit.

Due to matching the same number of points in autumn examination with another retriever, we passed a special discipline together for getting first place position and we won it :-) Megge became winner of Autumn tests, she got titul CACT and from water tests she got res.CACT. She also became 2nd best dog on two days Czech Derby!

Meggie, you are great!!



1.7.2013 - Great news!!! Rocky  PRCD N/N

Great news I got from laboratory today! Rocky's tests for PRCD gene are negative!!!! I am very happy :-)


30.6.2013 - Hunting water tests with Rocky

On Sunday I participated with Rocky on his first hunting examination. I chose a water hunting tests, because I believe him in these disciplines very much, however there was one discipline which scared me a lot - work in reeds. Rocky trained in reeds only once on training holiday in Strmilov.

Unfortunately just the reeds meant for us an end of the exam. Rocky didn't bring me a duck from the reeds in time limit. Regrettably it was our first discipline so we finished as we started. However judges were very nice and they let us finish the exam with other dogs till the end. What disappointment when all other disciplines he passed with the highest number of points. After end of all hunting tests, judges gave us a duck and let us go back to reeds again and try the discipline in reeds again, just to train it. And? Rocky brought a duck in 2 minutes! I ask myself - was it on purpose? :-D Nevermind, we try it again in next water hunting tests :-)



15. - 23.6.2013 - Dog training holiday in Strmilov

Wonderful week with wonderful weather and many friends, we spent on dog training holiday in Strmilov! Meggie was prepared for higher level hunting examinations, Rocky trained the trials with rabbit and pheasant, but the biggest joy I had because of Meggie's kids Brook and Ray! Brook passed there a basic exam very easy and Ray has also amazing working abilities and he is going to show it in autumn hunting tests soon.

Here they are some photos from our holiday. It was very hard to choose only few of them!


Meggie with her amaizing kids: Away from Richmond Dorado Blanco "Ray", Meggie, Away from Brooklyn Dorado Blanco "Brook"


Siblings Away from Brooklyn Dorado Blanco "Brook" a Away from Richmond Dorado Blanco "Ray"


Sweet and clever princess: Away from Brooklyn Dorado Blanco "Brook"


 Big clever boy: Away from Richmond Dorado Blanco "Ray"


Morgiana Misantos "Meggie"


Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco "Rocky"




22. - 23.6. DERBY ČR 2013

It was very hard weekend after very hard training week for Meggie. These hunting examination started just after our training week in Strmilov, where we trained in very hot weather and it was even hard to sleep during the night! Meggie started the exam very tired but regardless this fact, she passed the exam till the end! Her effort was not such good as usual and we fell into III.prize level, but I am very proud of her!





10.6.2013 - Rocky & Bibi

On Monday early morning, after long awaiting, five wonderful puppies were born, 4 boys and 1 girl. I went to see Bibi before her birth and I am sure she is happy now, that it is behind her :-) I keep my fingers crossed to everything goes well with Bibi and the puppies!

Few photos from 1st day :-)



4.6.2013 - Max will be a rescue dog

Max became one of the rescue dogs in kennel Krásná Lukrécia. This place is his new home since the beginning of June. New owners of Max and their four goldens are rescuers. They train every day a they keep the dogs in form all the time. I am sure that this is exactly what matches to Max's temperament, which is charged with power and energy. I am getting wonderful messages about Max and this is confirming that this decission was correct! :-)



1.6.2013 - Retriever Club Show - Konopiště

Very rainy Saturday I spent with Max and Rocky on club show in very lovely place Konopiště. Unfortunately weather was really terrible, it was raining very very strong and the ground was something like mud pool. All dogs were wet and dirty in a few seconds after entering the ring.

I started in the ring with Max. He was entered to intermediate class and he was placed second with titul res. CAC :-) This is wonderful result and I am very happy about it :-)


Later I started also with Rocky. He was entered into special club show competition: The Champion of the Champions. There were in total 27 retrievers who got champion titel in years 2006 - 2013. I still can not describe my feelings about the fact, that Rocky became a winner and became the Champion of Champions RK CZ 2013 under big team of excellent British judges. I am so proud of him! He presented himself like a dream and I enjoyed his handling the most of ever!


On this club show there was another wonderful success! Meggie's daughter Away from Brooklyn Dorado Blanco, who was entered in junior class, obtained excellent 2. place from huge competition of 22 bitches! Congratulations Naty, you were fantastic! :-)


19.5.2013 - World Dog Show Hungary - Budapest

Exciting experiences from WDS and from wonderful city Budapest I will remember forever! Thanks to Magda, my friend, for great weekend and many thanks to Nikolett Ilyés and her parents for taking care of us and for breathtaking nigh tour in Budapest!

Everything around the show was very well organised and atmosphere in the ring was fantastic! Me and Rocky started in open class with 37 dogs. Our judge Mr. Laurent Pichard (CH) passed us in this big competition into TOP 10 male dogs what I také as a great success and I am very happy :-)


In the afternoon we took part on "breeding group" competition with other progeny of Bonett Bride kennel. In a huge competition of app. 60 groups we passed into six best breeding groups of this WDS. It was exciting experience!


Congratulations to breeder Krisztina Süli to great success of her progeny on WDS'13!! :-) And many thanks for such amazing dog like Rocky!



4.5.2013 - International Show Prag

On Saturday I took Meggie and Rocky for a show in Prag. I consider the judge Petr Studeník to be the best judge in Czech and I have to say, that his judging confirmed that again! Winning goldens were really wonderful!

Meggie started in open class and in strong competition of 12 bitches she was placed 3rd :-) I was very happy about this result! And I was even happier about Rocky, who became a winner of his class with titul CAC and finally got res.CACIB :-) It was Rocky's start of Czech champion titel. Also Meggie's sister Clara became a winner of her class and we kept our fingers crossed for her win so much!


Morgiana Misantos "Meggie" - V3


Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco "Rocky" - V1 CAC, res CACIB


27.4.2013 - Meggie with sister Clara

Last days Meggie and Clara are meeting each other quite often, therefore we planned to make with Lenka this small family photo :-) They look so sweet together!


Left Mallorca Misantos (Clara), right Morgiana Misantos (Meggie)



27.4.2013 - Meggie's progeny on the show


At the end of April Meggie's progeny Brook and Benji parcitipated on dog show and both of them with great results :-) Her mother and me, we are proud of them and I send Naty and Klára many thanks for nice presentation!


Away from Brooklyn Dorado Blanco, International show Opole, Poland, V4


Away from Manhattan Dorado Blanco, Pojizerská show, V2

28.4.2013 - Club show Humpolec

On Sunday, after big success in Germany, I went with Rocky to club show in Humpolec. I planned to go with my older daughter Laila to participate on afternoon's competition, but she had to stay at home as she was ill.

When we arrived to place, I heard about very hard judging on previous day of the show. After few hours I realised myself that it was only a truth. Judgement "good" and "very good" got many dogs and judgement "excellent" got less than three dogs in each class. Wow!

I entered Rocky into intermediate class. Judging was very long. When I heard from a judge that we got "excellent" I was very very happy :-) And I was even happier when a judge decided that Rocky is a winner of the class! Unfortunately we didn't get a CAC titul, but I appreciate that we achieved such success :-)

Wonderful photo from Magdalena Němcova from Touch of Heaven kennel (děkuji Magdo) :-)

Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco - Excellent 1


27.4.2013 - International Show Germany - Dresden

On Saturday I went to Dresden with Lenka Formanová, owner of Clara (sister of our Meggie) and my friend. Nobody has expected before, what a result we are going to get! I didn't know a judge before, so I didn't know what to expect. This is why we were so surprised and excited when Max, Rocky and Meggie became a winners of their classes, ove that Max got a titel Junior BOB. I am still so happy about this special day!

Many thanks for photos to Jutta Wolf from Catch the Wind kennel! :-)

Golden Countryside's Jewel General (Max) - 1x Anw. Dt. Jug.Ch.VDH, Junior BOB

Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco (Rocky) - V1 Anw. D. Ch. VDH


13.4.2013 - III. Prokop's Cup

On Saturday we participated on III. Prokop's Cup organised by Vycvik retrieveru. In this competition has started 53 dogs splitted to four groups.

Max and Rocky started in the morning in open class. There were four disciplines with same judging like on Working Tests, it means that on every discipline a dog could earn 20 points. In our open class has started 19 dogs. Max and Rocky were placed somewhere in the middle :-) Rocky got a 9th place and Max 11th place.

In the afternoon has started a group TOP with 18 dogs, Meggie between them :-) There were five disciplines, so we could earn 100 point maximum. Disceplines were quite difficult, but Meggie did it very well. Finally she got a 2nd place with total number of point 97!!!! I was very happy about this result and I am proud of Meggie very much :-) Here one photo of winners :-)




18.3.2013 - Great success of Memphis in Finland

I have received great message from Finland! Memphis passed eyes genetic tests and his eyes are FREE!!! :-) I am very happy!

And further to that he participated on his first dog show in Kaarina. He was the winner of puppy class under judge Mrs. Gill Hare (UK) and also Best Dog Puppy. Congratulations Heidi!!! :-)



22. - 24.2.2013 - Nitra CACIB (Slovakia)

This prolonged weekend we spent in Nitra on three days show. It was quite challenging weekend, full of adrenalin, excitement, enjoyment, happiness.... just everything! The biggest pleasure we had because of Meggie's success when she finished there her Slovakia Champion titel :-) I am very very happy! We didn't have much luck in our kennel last weeks, so this success is appreciated even more!

On Saturday's and Sudnay's exhibition I also showed Rocky and Max. Max was placed 3rd and 4th with very nice judgement. Rocky was second both days with res CAC titel :-) Rocky had big competitor for both days in his class, a dog who won finally CACIB and BOB :-) Nevertheless I am not goint to say it was bad luck for us to have this dog in the same class. I believe these more successfull dogs are here to motivate us for the future to be better :-)

On this exhibition I have shown also Meggie's sister Clara. She had very nice judgements both days and the same like Max, she placed 3rd and 4th.

And last but not least there was Brook, Meggie's daughter, who was also very succesful and placed 1st both days :-) We found out this weekend very nice and came back home with smile on our faces :-)


And here one winning photodocumentation :-) More photos are in section "Exhibiton 2013"


8.2.2013 - Rocky became a father :-)

On Friday 8.2. were in Hungary born two wonderful boys. We keep our fingers crossed to their mather Blonde and to puppies that everything goes well!!


6.2.2013 - Majda was mated by our Rocky

On Wednesday was Majda mated by our Rocky. Rocky loved Majda very much, but she didn't like him at all :-D However we keep our fingers crossed to Majda to have healthy puppies and to her owner that her dream comes true.

2. - 3.2.2013 - DUOCACIB Brno

Another weekend spent on the show :-) I am very happy mainly about the results of Meggie's progeny! Thanks to their owners for very nice presentation! It was very nice to see them again!

The results look like this:

Morgiana Misantos - Saturday excellent 4 (from 7 bitches), Sunday excellent 2, res CAC (from 8 bitches)

Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco - Saturday very good (our first very good :-) ), Sunday excellent

Golden Countryside's Jewel General - Sunday excellent 4 (from 10 dogs)

Away from Sophia Dorado Blanco - Sunday very promissing 3 (from 10 bitches)


The results of our progeny were just wonderful!  :-)

Away from Atlanta Dorado Blanco "Týna", Saturday very promissing 3 (from 6 bitches), Sunday very promissing (short listed to 5th place - from 10 bitches)

Away from Brooklyn Dorado Blanco "Brook", Saturday very promissing 4 (from 6 bitches), Sunday very promissing (from 10 bitches)

Away from Manhattan Dorado Blanco "Benji", Saturday VN

Away from Portland Dorado Blanco "Andy", Saturday VN

Away from Richmond Dorado Blanco "Ray", Saturday very promissing 3 (from 5 dogs), Sunday very promissing 1 (from 7 dogs)


And one family picture from Saturday's show.... pity there was not Tyna and Ray anymore, they could have been on photo as well. Next time :-)

from left Sofi, Meggie, Brook a Benji :-)


19.1.2013 - Walk on the snow

On Saturday we went for a walk into the snowy field. Sophie's brother Andy has come along. We have had much fun :) Here a few pictures...

sibblings - Sophie and Andy

I wonder what Meggie has seen?


18.1.2013 - Rocky and his progenies

I have updated the page "Litters/After our male". Soon the first offspring of Rocky will be born. Also, we are planning another mating :) The link to this page is HERE


15.1.2013 - Sofi on training :-)

In January we woke up to see a beautiful snow cover, so I took my dogs out into the field to have some fun in the snow. For Sophie I took a pheasant to train and I must say that she is a very skilful little girl, after her mum; she grabs the pheasant and runs back to me without hesitation. She makes me very happy :-)

Sofi retrieving