P R O G E N Y   O F   D O B B Y 


for puppies of Dobby cklick HERE




C.I.E., C.I.B., Multi Ch, Grand Ch CZ, Ch CZ, HU, PL, SK, JCh CZ, HU


to see progeny of Rocky, pls scroll down



Born Out of   Name  Results             
06/2013           Bibianka Zlatá Kudrnka Apollo Goldymate   HD A/A, ED 0/0
06/2013  Bibianka Zlatá Kudrnka        Arinka Goldymate           HD B/B, ED 0/0
07/2014  Axelle z Neřežínského lesa    Bella z Kamenného domu     HD A/A, ED 0/0           
07/2014  Chanel Coco Misantos Ruby Misantos HD A/A, ED 0/0
07/2014  Chanel Coco Misantos Ravel Misantos HD A/A, ED 0/0
07/2014 Chanel Coco Misantos Rhapsody Misantos HD A/A, ED 0/0
07/2014 Chanel Coco Misantos Ricky Ticky Tavi Misantos HD A/A, ED 0/0
10/2014 Dorotka Pražský klenot Jocker Pražský klenot HD A/A, ED 0/0
01/2015 Clara Apraxia Felon Batman Jr. od Chlumeckého rybníka   HD A/A, ED 0/0, OCD neg.
03/2015 Candy Gold Luck Dakota Neposlušné štěně HD A/A, ED 0/0, OCD neg. 
03/2015 Candy Gold Luck Dessy Neposlušné štěně HD B/A
03/2015 Jill Bohemia Angel Brook ze Zlaté skalky HD A/A
06/2015 Malorca Misantos Emma Apraxia Felon HD A/A, ED 0/0
06/2015 Malorca Misantos Eda Apraxia Felon HD A/A, ED 0/0, OCD neg.
06/2015 Malorca Misantos Erwin Apraxia Felon HD A/C, ED 0/0, OCD neg.
07/2015 Kayla Gold Rebecca Candice z Velké pevnosti HD A/A, ED 0/0
07/2015 Bailar El Alma Touch of Heaven  Glamour Violet Touch of Heaven HD A/A, ED 0/0
09/2015 Cindy z Borových lesů Diona z Borovýsh lesů HD A/A, ED 0/0
09/2015 Cindy z Borových lesů Deny z Borových lesů HD A/A, ED 0/0
03/2016 Bára the Golden Bracken Marry Lee z Klapských lad HD A/A, ED 0/0
03/2016 Bára the Golden Bracken Mína z Klapských lad HD A/A, ED 0/0
04/2016 Candy Gold Luck Ferarri Neposlušné štěně HD A/A, ED 0/0, OCD neg.
05/2016 Dream April Bohemia Ariston Andelinde Innogen Žuligang HD A/A, ED 0/0
05/2016 Dream April Bohemia Ariston Anemone Apala Žuligang HD A/A, ED 0/0
05/2016 Dream April Bohemia Ariston Alw Brennus HD A/A, ED 0/0
07/2016 Malorca Misantos Fido Apraxia Felon HD A/A, ED 0/0
07/2016 Malorca Misantos Fergie Apraxia Felon HD A/A, ED 0/0, OCD neg.
07/2016 Malorca Misantos Feebee Apraxia Felon HD B/A, ED 0/0, OCD neg.
07/2016 Malorca Misantos Frodo Apraxia Felon HD A/A, ED 0/0
05/2017 Cindy z Borových lesů Emily z Borových lesů HD A/A, ED 0/0
05/2017 Cindy z Borových lesů Evelyne z Borových lesů HD A/A, ED 0/0
06/2017 Ayrin from Bohemian Starlight  Aria Aurum Lutra HD A/A, ED 0/0
07/2017 Chilli Pražský klenot Ailie z Akátového světa HD A/A, ED 0/0, OCD neg.
07/2017 Chilli Pražský klenot Agáta z Akátového světa HD A/A, ED 0/0
11/2017 Demi Moore Apraxia Felon Gaya Apraxia Felon HD A/A, ED 0/0, OCD neg.
11/2017 Demi Moore Apraxia Felon Grace Apraxia Felon HD A/A, ED 0/0
12/2017 Volente Deo Princess and the Pea  Ginger Dorado Blanco HD A/A, ED 0/0, OCD neg.
12/2017 Volente Deo Princess and the Pea  Galaxy Dorado Blanco HD A/A, ED 0/0
12/2017 Volente Deo Princess and the Pea Garfield Dorado Blanco HD A/A, ED 0/0
06/2018 Coca-Cola Dorado Blanco Cora Aurea Sidera HD A/A, ED 0/0, OCD neg.
06/2018 Coca-Cola Dorado Blanco Collette Aurea Sidera HD A/A, ED 0/0, OCD neg.
07/2019 Diamond Angel Golden Martha Felon Golden Martha HD A/B, ED 0/0
07/2019 Diamond Angel Golden Martha Funny Golden Martha HD A/A, ED 0/0, OCD neg.
11/2020 Ebbie z Vidoule Arrow Z Šestajovických sadů HD A/A, ED 0/0, OCD neg.
11/2020 Ebbie z Vidoule Aura Z Šestajovických sadů HD A/A, ED 0/0, OCD neg.
12/2020 Charlize z Liblických rákosin Mahikan Mary z Liblických rákosin HD A/A, ED 0/0, OCD neg.
12/2020 Charlize z Liblických rákosin Mahikan Wolf z Liblických rákosin HD A/A, ED 0/0, OCD neg.



Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco "Rocky" x Holly Gold Honeymoon Aurea Rosa "Holly"
15.6.2021 - 1 boy & 3 girls


Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco "Rocky" x Arwen Kubis z Bonifácova "Kirbi"
15.6.2021 - 3 boys and 1 girl




Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco "Rocky" x Charlize z Liblických rákosin
7.12.2021 - 1 boy and 2 girls





Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco "Rocky" x Ebbie z Vidoule "Ebbie"
22.11.2020 - 4 boys and 5 girls




Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco "Rocky" x Iflare Krásná Lukérica "Flérinka"
24.8.2020 - 1 boys and 5 girls





Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco "Rocky" x Image Krásná Lukérica "Iminka"
2.3.2020 - 4 boys and 2 girls







Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco "Rocky" x Diamond Angel Golden Martha "Anděla"
29.7.2019 - 6 boys and 5 girls






Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco "Rocky" x Bueno de Barbara Evening Melody "Bára"
15.2.2019 - 3 boys and 5 girls







Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco "Rocky" x Audrey z Bertíského dvora "Audrey"

4.11.2018 - 6 boys and 4 girls






Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco "Rocky" x Dream April Bohemia Ariston "Žuli"
9.9.2018 - 4 boys and 4 girl






C.I.B., C.I.E.

JCh CZ, HU, Derby Winner 2012

Ch CZ, HU, SK, PL, GrandCh CZ, InterCh, Šampion šampionů RK 2013

Bonett Bride To Dorado Blanco

InterCh Span/GBZ, Ch GBZ, JCh Portugal

Baron of Stanfoph du Domaine des Rives de l'Erdre

Taram du Bois de la Rayere
Stanroph So It's a Miracle

MultiCh HCH, RoCh, HJCh, CZCh, CroCh

Bossa Nova De Ria Vela

Edgar de la Charola
Seven Angels de Ria Vela


Dream April Bohemia Ariston


Egoiste du Bois de la Rayere

Trailer O'Connor du Bois de la Rayere
Versace du Bois de la Rayere
Fidorka z Droužkova Exquisite the Dream Team 
Erna Cassovia White Star



Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco "Rocky" x Candy Gold Luck "Buggie"
29.7.2018 - 7 boys and 2 girls





JCh CZ, HU, Derby Winner 2012, Ch CZ, HU, SK, PL, GrandCh CZ, InterCh, Šampion šampionů RK 2013

Bonett Bride To Dorado Blanco

InterCh Span/GBZ, Ch GBZ, JCh Portugal

Baron of Stanfoph du Domaine des Rives de l'Erdre

Taram du Bois de la Rayere
Stanroph So It's a Miracle

MultiCh HCH, RoCh, HJCh, CZCh, CroCh

Bossa Nova De Ria Vela

Edgar de la Charola
Seven Angels de Ria Vela


Candy Gold Luck

MultiCh, InterCh, GrandCh 

Watterloo Misantos

Inassicas Coriander
Brenda of Dream Team
Easy To Happy Santana Golden
Fairy Jack Is Friendly
Clara Christmas the Best Baron




Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco "Rocky" x Nicol Bohemian Gold "Niki"
12.7.2018 - 6 boys and 6 girls




JCh CZ, HU, Derby Winner 2012, Ch CZ, HU, SK, PL, GrandCh CZ                                                                
Šampion šampionů RK 2013          

Bonett Bride To Dorado Blanco


InterCh Span/GBZ, Ch GBZ, JCh Portugal
Baron of Stanfoph du Domaine des Rives de l'Erdre                   

Taram du Bois de la Rayere                 

Stanroph So It's a Miracle

MultiCh HCH, RoCh, HJCh, CZCh, CroCh
Bossa Nova De Ria Vela

Edgar de la Charola
Seven Angels de Ria Vela


Nicol Bohemian Gold


MultiCh, InterCh, GrandCh 

Fiddle-De-Dee´s Morris Traveller  

Mulfield Lewis
Cheer´s Marzipan

Jenny My Love Bohemian Gold 

Ashbury Touch the Sky

Candy Bohemian Gold



Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco "Rocky" x Coca-Cola Dorado Blanco "Connie"
20.6.2018 - 4 boys and 5 girls






JCh CZ, HU, Derby Winner 2012, Ch CZ, HU, SK, PL, GrandCh CZ, InterCh, Šampion šampionů RK 2013

Bonett Bride To Dorado Blanco

InterCh Span/GBZ, Ch GBZ, JCh Portugal

Baron of Stanfoph du Domaine des Rives de l'Erdre

Taram du Bois de la Rayere
Stanroph So It's a Miracle

MultiCh HCH, RoCh, HJCh, CZCh, CroCh

Bossa Nova De Ria Vela

Edgar de la Charola
Seven Angels de Ria Vela


Coca-Cola Dorado Blanco

Ch CZ 

Egoiste du Bois de la Rayere

O'Connor du Bois de la Rayere
Versace du Bois de la Rayere


Away from Sophia Dorado Blanco

Bonett Bride Double Decker
Morgiana Misantos




Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco "Rocky" x Clara Apraxia Felon "Klára"
15.12.2017 - 4 boys and 4 girls



4 boys and 4 girls were born to Rock and Clara. This is already their second litter, the first one was born in January 2015. They have super health results and lovely temperament. You can find more information about them bellow. 





C.I.B., C.I.E.


JCh CZ, HU, Derby Winner 2012


Ch CZ, HU, SK, PL, GrandCh CZ, InterCh, Šampion šampionů RK 2013 

Bonett Bride To Dorado Blanco


InterCh Span/GBZ, Ch GBZ, JCh Portugal

Baron of Stanfoph du Domaine des Rives de l'Erdre

Taram du Bois de la Rayere
Stanroph So It's a Miracle

MultiCh HCH, RoCh, HJCh, CZCh, CroCh

Bossa Nova De Ria Vela

Edgar de la Charola
Seven Angels de Ria Vela


Clara Apraxia Felon


Egoiste du Bois de la Rayere

Trailer O'Connor du Bois de la Rayere
Versace du Bois de la Rayere

JCh CZ, Ch CZ, Ch SK

Malorca Misantos

Cheek To Cheek do Quijote de la Mancha
Brenda of Dream Team



Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco "Rocky" x Demi Moore Apraxa Felon "Demi"
7.11.2017 - 6 boys and 5 girls


7.11.2017 were born 11 puppies in kennel Apraxia Felon. The birth was without any complications and Demi is super mom! 




C.I.B., C.I.E.

JCh CZ, HU, Derby Winner 2012

Ch CZ, HU, SK, PL, GrandCh CZ, InterCh, Šampion šampionů RK 2013

Bonett Bride To Dorado Blanco


InterCh Span/GBZ, Ch GBZ, JCh Portugal

Baron of Stanfoph du Domaine des Rives de l'Erdre

Taram du Bois de la Rayere
Stanroph So It's a Miracle

MultiCh HCH, RoCh, HJCh, CZCh, CroCh

Bossa Nova De Ria Vela

Edgar de la Charola
Seven Angels de Ria Vela



Demi Moore Apraxia Felon

Multi JCH, Multi CH
Fiddle-De-Dee's Morris Traveller

Cheer's Marzipan
Cheek to Cheek Vodka Tonic

Malorca Misantos
Cheek to Cheek Don Quijote de la Mancha
Brenda of Dream Team




Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco "Rocky" x Ayrin from Bohemian Starlight "Roxy"
6.6.2017 - 3 boys and 1 girl


6.8.2017 Roxy gave birth to four puppies, three boys and one girl. Unfortunately, few days after the birth, one boy left behind the rainbow bridge. All other puppies are doing well and grow to strong puppies. 

They are lovely!!!: Amor Fati, Aria a Adoby Aurum Lutra




C.I.B., C.I.E.

JCh CZ, HU, Derby Winner 2012

Ch CZ, HU, SK, PL, GrandCh CZ, InterCh, Šampion šampionů RK 2013

Bonett Bride To Dorado Blanco

InterCh Span/GBZ, Ch GBZ, JCh Portugal

Baron of Stanfoph du Domaine des Rives de l'Erdre

Taram du Bois de la Rayere
Stanroph So It's a Miracle

MultiCh HCH, RoCh, HJCh, CZCh, CroCh

Bossa Nova De Ria Vela

Edgar de la Charola
Seven Angels de Ria Vela

Ayrin from Bohemian Starlight

Gillbryan Joseph's Dream

Ronjalee Regamuffin at Motlaisa

Gillbryan Inchagoil

GrandCh, CIB, CIE, MultiCH
Rainox Release Star Shine

Raynox Heart of Gold  
Raynox Dansarella


Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco "Rocky" x Emily Golden Galleon "Emily"
18.7.2017 - 2 boys a 3 girls

5.8.2017 - puppies grow very fast and they are very lovely and cute!


18.7.2017 - Emily and Rocky have lovely five puppies. All of them have weight around 500g. All puppies have lovel gold coats.




C.I.B., C.I.E.

JCh CZ, HU, Derby Winner 2012

Ch CZ, HU, SK, PL, GrandCh CZ, InterCh, Šampion šampionů RK 2013

Bonett Bride To Dorado Blanco

InterCh Span/GBZ, Ch GBZ, JCh Portugal

Baron of Stanfoph du Domaine des Rives de l'Erdre

Taram du Bois de la Rayere
Stanroph So It's a Miracle

MultiCh HCH, RoCh, HJCh, CZCh, CroCh

Bossa Nova De Ria Vela

Edgar de la Charola
Seven Angels de Ria Vela

Emily Golden Galleon


Heartbreaker Is Friendly

Taram du Bois de la Rayere
Kind of Magic Karvin

Amy od Perlové studánky

Rox z Horní Lejsovky
Esty z Trčkových lesů
Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco "Rocky" x Chilli Pražský klenot "Chilli"
3.7.2017 - 6 kluků a 3 holčičky

3.7.2017 in kennel z Akátového světa were born nine lovely puppies, six boys an three girls. Some boys are already now looking like their father Rocky :-)





C.I.B., C.I.E.

JCh CZ, HU, Derby Winner 2012

Ch CZ, HU, SK, PL, GrandCh CZ, Šampion šampionů RK 2013

Bonett Bride To Dorado Blanco

InterCh Span/GBZ, Ch GBZ, JCh Portugal

Baron of Stanfoph du Domaine des Rives de l'Erdre

Taram du Bois de la Rayere
Stanroph So It's a Miracle

MultiCh HCH, RoCh, HJCh, CZCh, CroCh

Bossa Nova De Ria Vela

Edgar de la Charola
Seven Angels de Ria Vela


Chilli Pražský klenot

Clea Pražský klenot

Aubero Bear from Danako
Bianca Pražský klenot

C.I.B., Ch CR, SK, PL

Armani Dylan Excellent Bahati

Ashbury Deep Impact
Ellis Excellent z Říčanských luk
Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco "Rocky" x Cindy z Borových lesů "Cindy"
31.5.2017 - 4 boys and 2 girls



27.7.2017 - puppies will leave to their new homes soon. I love them very much! They are all seven kilos big and strong puppies!

 Cindy and Rocky have lovely six puppies




C.I.B., C.I.E.

JCh CZ, HU, Derby Winner 2012

Ch CZ, HU, SK, PL, GrandCh CZ, Šampion šampionů RK 2013

Bonett Bride To Dorado Blanco

InterCh Span/GBZ, Ch GBZ, JCh Portugal

Baron of Stanfoph du Domaine des Rives de l'Erdre

Taram du Bois de la Rayere
Stanroph So It's a Miracle

MultiCh HCH, RoCh, HJCh, CZCh, CroCh

Bossa Nova De Ria Vela

Edgar de la Charola
Seven Angels de Ria Vela


Cindy z Borových lesů


Egoiste du Bois de la Rayere

Trailer O'Connor du Bois de la Rayere
Versace du Bois de la Rayere

Aileen z Borových lesů

Bastien z Makových Dvorů
Wekra z Vlčích luk


Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco "Rocky" x Ayke Od propasti Macocha
5.5.2017 - 7 kluků a 4 holčičky



5.8.2017 -  Puppies of Ayke and Rocky are really amazing!!


5.5.2017 11 puppies were born in Slovakia. They are so lovely and looking all the same. 




C.I.B., C.I.E.

JCh CZ, HU, Derby Winner 2012

Ch CZ, HU, SK, PL, GrandCh CZ, Šampion šampionů RK 2013

Bonett Bride To Dorado Blanco

InterCh Span/GBZ, Ch GBZ, JCh Portugal

Baron of Stanfoph du Domaine des Rives de l'Erdre

Taram du Bois de la Rayere
Stanroph So It's a Miracle

MultiCh HCH, RoCh, HJCh, CZCh, CroCh

Bossa Nova De Ria Vela

Edgar de la Charola
Seven Angels de Ria Vela


Ayke Od propasti Macocha


Daily Rays Dream Maker

Gillbryan Joseph's Dream
Terra Antyda Sani New Princess of Heart
Amy Magic Snowflake Pinkerly Quiensabe
Cerryen Lady

Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco "Rocky" x Jessie z Klapských lad
27.4.2017 - 4 kluci a 6 holčiček



27.4.2017 - Jessie gave birth to ten lovely puppies. The birth was  easy and super fast, all puppies were born in four hours!





C.I.B., C.I.E.

JCh CZ, HU, Derby Winner 2012

Ch CZ, HU, SK, PL, GrandCh CZ, Šampion šampionů RK 2013

Bonett Bride To Dorado Blanco

InterCh Span/GBZ, Ch GBZ, JCh Portugal

Baron of Stanfoph du Domaine des Rives de l'Erdre

Taram du Bois de la Rayere
Stanroph So It's a Miracle

MultiCh HCH, RoCh, HJCh, CZCh, CroCh

Bossa Nova De Ria Vela

Edgar de la Charola
Seven Angels de Ria Vela


Jessie z Klapských lad

Ch CZ 

Merlin Golden Erinor

Castian Butterfly z Karczewkich Szuwarow
Graciela Golden Erinor
Bára the Golden Bracken Pinkerly Quiensabe
Anastasia Vetcare Bohemia


Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco "Rocky" x Lively Golden Joy of the Journey "Jenny"
20.12.2016 - 1 kluk a 6 holčiček



20.12.2016 - Rocky and Jenny have puppies. Many many girls and one boy :-) Lovely Christmas puppies!! :-)





C.I.B., C.I.E.

JCh CZ, HU, Derby Winner 2012

Ch CZ, HU, SK, PL, GrandCh CZ, InterCh, Šampion šampionů RK 2013

Bonett Bride To Dorado Blanco

InterCh Span/GBZ, Ch GBZ, JCh Portugal

Baron of Stanfoph du Domaine des Rives de l'Erdre

Taram du Bois de la Rayere
Stanroph So It's a Miracle

MultiCh HCH, RoCh, HJCh, CZCh, CroCh

Bossa Nova De Ria Vela

Edgar de la Charola
Seven Angels de Ria Vela


Lively Golden Joy of the Journey

C.I.B., C.I.E. 

Thornywait Fire N'Ice

Zampanzar Say It Again Shardanell
Thornywait Pixie Crunch

Shamrock Golden Dancer

Meloak Dancing Storm

Shamrock Diamond Symphony


Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco "Rocky" x Volente Deo Princess and the Pea "Zarja"
3.12.2016 - 3 kluci a 2 holky


19.1.2017 - puppies in 6 weeks


On 3rd of December puppies of Rocky and Zarja were born in my kennel Dorado Blanco :-) We have five very big and strong puppies!




C.I.E., C.I.B.

Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco

InterCh, Ch Spain, GBZ, JCh Portugal
Baron of Stanroph Du Domaine des Rives de L´Erde

Taram du Bois de la Rayere
Stanroph So It´s A Miracle

MultiCh HCh, RoCh, HJCh, CZCh, CroCh
Bossa Nova de Ria Vela

Edgar De La Charola 
Seven-Angels De Ria Vela



Volente Deo Princess and the Pea   

European Winner 2014, Helsinky Winner 2013, Junior Club Ch, JCh Rus, Ch Rus, CZ, InterCh

Ashbury Highlander

Majik Truth Or Dare
Ashbury Deep Temptation

InterCh, Ch Rus, DK, Swe, Fin, Lit, Lat, Estonia, 
HU, Bul, Mak, Mol, Ser, Rom, Bel, Ukr

Ariana iz Doliny Solnca

Christopher du Bois de la Rayere
Allegra Moe Sokrovische


Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco "Rocky" x Jessie z Klapských lad
27.7.2016 - 6 boys and 5 girls



10.9.2016 - puppies in 6 weeks




25.7.2016 - Rocky and Jessie have 11 puppies





C.I.B., C.I.E.

JCh CZ, HU, Derby Winner 2012

Ch CZ, HU, SK, PL, GrandCh CZ, InterCh, Šampion šampionů RK 2013

Bonett Bride To Dorado Blanco

InterCh Span/GBZ, Ch GBZ, JCh Portugal

Baron of Stanfoph du Domaine des Rives de l'Erdre

Taram du Bois de la Rayere
Stanroph So It's a Miracle

MultiCh HCH, RoCh, HJCh, CZCh, CroCh

Bossa Nova De Ria Vela

Edgar de la Charola
Seven Angels de Ria Vela


Jessie z Klapských lad

Ch CZ 

Merlin Golden Erinor

Castian Butterfly z Karczewkich Szuwarow
Graciela Golden Erinor
Bára the Golden Bracken Pinkerly Quiensabe
Anastasia Vetcare Bohemia



Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco "Rocky" x Malorca Misantos "Clára"
25.7.2015 - 6 boys and 3 girls



Litter of Clara and Rocky is here for a second time. Their first litter was born on 1.6.2015. More information about them you can find bellow


25.7.2016 - Nine lovely puppies were born to Clara and Rocky 





C.I.B., C.I.E.

JCh CZ, HU, Derby Winner 2012

Ch CZ, HU, SK, PL, GrandCh CZ, InterCh, Šampion šampionů RK 2013

Bonett Bride To Dorado Blanco


InterCh Span/GBZ, Ch GBZ, JCh Portugal

Baron of Stanfoph du Domaine des Rives de l'Erdre

Taram du Bois de la Rayere
Stanroph So It's a Miracle

MultiCh HCH, RoCh, HJCh, CZCh, CroCh

Bossa Nova De Ria Vela

Edgar de la Charola
Seven Angels de Ria Vela



Malorca Misantos

GrandCh CZ, JCh CZ, Ch GRC, Ch SK
Cheek to Cheek Don Quijote de la Mancha

Mitcharron Love Bug
Cheek to Cheek Vodka Tonic
Brenda of Dream Team
Karvin Zaicca
Ordoghegyi Berni Eni Tara



Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco "Rocky" x Darcy Golden Galleon "Darcy"
19.7.2016 - 3 boys a 2 girls



30.8.2016 - Puppies in 6 weeks


19.7.2016 - Darcy and Rocky have five wonderful puppies :-)



C.I.B., C.I.E.

JCh CZ, HU, Derby Winner 2012

Ch CZ, HU, SK, PL, GrandCh CZ, InterCh, Šampion šampionů RK 2013

Bonett Bride To Dorado Blanco

InterCh Span/GBZ, Ch GBZ, JCh Portugal

Baron of Stanfoph du Domaine des Rives de l'Erdre

Taram du Bois de la Rayere
Stanroph So It's a Miracle

MultiCh HCH, RoCh, HJCh, CZCh, CroCh

Bossa Nova De Ria Vela

Edgar de la Charola
Seven Angels de Ria Vela


Darcy Golden Galleon


Heartbreaker Is Friendly

Taram du Bois de la Rayere
Kind of Magic Karvin

Amy od Perlové studánky



Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco "Rocky" x Dream April Bohemia Ariston "Žuli"
10.5.2016 - 6 boys a 5 girls




Andelinde Innogen Žuligang
HD A/A, ED 0/0

Anemone Apala Žuligang
HD A/A, ED 0/0


Alw Brennus Žuligang
HD A/A, ED 0/0


Which one will stay... OK, both :-)



24.5.2016 - 11 lovely puppies were born!




C.I.B., C.I.E.

JCh CZ, HU, Derby Winner 2012

Ch CZ, HU, SK, PL, GrandCh CZ, InterCh, Šampion šampionů RK 2013

Bonett Bride To Dorado Blanco

InterCh Span/GBZ, Ch GBZ, JCh Portugal

Baron of Stanfoph du Domaine des Rives de l'Erdre

Taram du Bois de la Rayere
Stanroph So It's a Miracle

MultiCh HCH, RoCh, HJCh, CZCh, CroCh

Bossa Nova De Ria Vela

Edgar de la Charola
Seven Angels de Ria Vela


Dream April Bohemia Ariston


Egoiste du Bois de la Rayere

Trailer O'Connor du Bois de la Rayere
Versace du Bois de la Rayere
Fidorka z Droužkova Exquisite the Dream Team 
Erna Cassovia White Star

Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco "Rocky" x Candy Gold Luck "Buggie"
15.4.2016 - 6 boys a 2 girls



Puppies 3 weeks




JCh CZ, HU, Derby Winner 2012, Ch CZ, HU, SK, PL, GrandCh CZ, InterCh, Šampion šampionů RK 2013

Bonett Bride To Dorado Blanco

InterCh Span/GBZ, Ch GBZ, JCh Portugal

Baron of Stanfoph du Domaine des Rives de l'Erdre

Taram du Bois de la Rayere
Stanroph So It's a Miracle

MultiCh HCH, RoCh, HJCh, CZCh, CroCh

Bossa Nova De Ria Vela

Edgar de la Charola
Seven Angels de Ria Vela


Candy Gold Luck

MultiCh, InterCh, GrandCh 

Watterloo Misantos

Inassicas Coriander
Brenda of Dream Team
Easy To Happy Santana Golden
Fairy Jack Is Friendly
Clara Christmas the Best Baron



Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco "Rocky" x Bára the Golden Bracken "Bára"
13.3.2016 - 2 boys a 4 girls




Marry Lee z Klapských lad
health: HD A/A, ED 0/0

Mina Klapských lad
HD A/A, ED 0/0


25.7.2016 - Rockyho a Báry krásná dcera

Lovely daughter of Roccky and Bara stays at home in kennel Z Klapských Lad


24.4.2016 - Visiting puppies

I am happy I could visit puppies of my Rocky. They are all so lovely. The biggest aim was to choose a girl, who will stay at home :-)

puppies - 6 weeks


Which one will stay? :-)


13.3.2016 - Puppies are born

Bára gave birth to six lovely puppies :-)





C.I.B., C.I.E.

JCh CZ, HU, Derby Winner 2012

Ch CZ, HU, SK, PL, GrandCh CZ, InterCh, Šampion šampionů RK 2013

Bonett Bride To Dorado Blanco

InterCh Span/GBZ, Ch GBZ, JCh Portugal

Baron of Stanfoph du Domaine des Rives de l'Erdre

Taram du Bois de la Rayere
Stanroph So It's a Miracle

MultiCh HCH, RoCh, HJCh, CZCh, CroCh

Bossa Nova De Ria Vela

Edgar de la Charola
Seven Angels de Ria Vela


Bára the Golden Bracken

Multi JCh, Multi Ch, InterCh

Pinkerly Quiensabe

Matador v.d. Beerse Hoeve
Da Ya Think I'm Sexy
Anastasia Vetcare Bohemia Gunmarsh Zachary
Brigitte of Dream Team



Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco "Rocky" x Axikola Ora Amiko "Axina"
1.3.2016 - 3 boys a 2 girls



1.3.2016 - Puppies are born

Five wonderful puppies have born to Axina and Rocky :-)





JCh CZ, HU, Derby Winner 2012, Ch CZ, HU, SK, InterCh, Šampion šampionů RK 2013


Bonett Bride To Dorado Blanco


InterCh Span/GBZ, Ch GBZ, JCh Portugal

Baron of Stanfoph du Domaine des Rives de l'Erdre

Taram du Bois de la Rayere
Stanroph So It's a Miracle

MultiCh HCH, RoCh, HJCh, CZCh, CroCh 

Bossa Nova De Ria Vela

Edgar de la Charola
Seven Angels de Ria Vela

Ch CZ 

Axikola Ora Amiko

Easy To Be Santana Golden

Fairy Jack is Friendly
Clara Christmas the Best Baron

Cherryl od Hradu Veveří

Pinkerly Quien Sabe
Aura z Kvasinských strání
Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco "Rocky" x Audi Neposlušné štěně
3.11.2015 - 3 boys a 6 girls



Eleanor Neposlušně štěně - 7 months, very promissing 2

Eimy Neposlušné štěně - 6 months, 
very promissing 1


puppies in 7 weeks




JCh CZ, HU, Derby Winner 2012, Ch CZ, HU, SK, C.I.B., Šampion šampionů RK 2013


Bonett Bride To Dorado Blanco 

InterCh Span/GBZ, Ch GBZ, JCh Portugal

Baron of Stanfoph du Domaine des Rives de l'Erdre

Taram du Bois de la Rayere
Stanroph So It's a Miracle

MultiCh HCH, RoCh, HJCh, CZCh, CroCh

Bossa Nova De Ria Vela

Edgar de la Charola
Seven Angels de Ria Vela


Audi Neposlušné štěně

Multi Ch

Cheek To Cheek Don Quijote

Mitcharron Love Bug Of Francosvaley
Cheek To Cheek Vodka Tonic

Cedra Krásná Lukrécia

Watterloo Misantos
Bonie Krásná Lukrécia


Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco "Rocky" x Cindy z Borových lesů "Cindy"
2.9.2015 - 3 boys a 4 girls




Diona z Borových lesů
HD A/A, ED 0/0



Denny z Borových lesů - 9 months


Denny z Borových lesů - 8 months


Photos in 6 weeks




JCh CZ, HU, Derby Winner 2012, Ch CZ, HU, SK, C.I.B., Šampion šampionů RK 2013


Bonett Bride To Dorado Blanco 

InterCh Span/GBZ, Ch GBZ, JCh Portugal

Baron of Stanfoph du Domaine des Rives de l'Erdre

Taram du Bois de la Rayere
Stanroph So It's a Miracle

MultiCh HCH, RoCh, HJCh, CZCh, CroCh

Bossa Nova De Ria Vela

Edgar de la Charola
Seven Angels de Ria Vela


Cindy z Borových lesů

Ch CZ 

Egoiste du Bois de la Rayere

Trailer O'Connor du Bois de la Rayere
Versace du Bois de la Rayere

Aileen z Borových lesů

Bastien z Makových Dvorů
Wekra z Vlčích luk
Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco "Rocky" x Bailar En Alma Touch of Heaven "Alma"
15.7.2015 - 1 boy a 4 girl




Glamour Violet Touch of Heaven
health: HD A/A, ED 0/0



Glamour Violet Touch of Heaven "Fialka" - 3 months



Glamour Violet Touch of Heaven / violet girl / in 4 days and in 4 weeks

Glamour Rose Touch of Heaven / ping girl / in 4 days and in 4 weeks

Glamour Marquierite Touch of Heaven / yellow girl /  in 4 days and in 4 weeks

Glamour Elizabeth Touch of Heaven: read girl /  in 4 days and in 4 weeks

Glamour Hugo Touch of Heaven / blue boy / in 4 days and in 4 weeks


15.7.2015 - Alma gave birth to five wonderful and big puppies :-)




JCh CZ, HU, Derby Winner 2012, Ch CZ, HU, SK, InterCh, Šampion šampionů RK 2013

Bonett Bride To Dorado Blanco

InterCh Span/GBZ, Ch GBZ, JCh Portugal

Baron of Stanfoph du Domaine des Rives de l'Erdre

Taram du Bois de la Rayere
Stanroph So It's a Miracle

MultiCh HCH, RoCh, HJCh, CZCh, CroCh

Bossa Nova De Ria Vela

Edgar de la Charola
Seven Angels de Ria Vela


Bailar En Alma Touch of Heaven

Ch NL, D, VDH, Lux, DK

Majik Truth Or Dare

Majik Finders Keepers
Majik Vissi D'arte

Eres Mia del Atrapasuenos
Careless Whispers

A'Brisa du Domaine des Rives de L'Erdre


Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco "Rocky" x Kayla Gold Rebecca "Majda"
5.7.2015 - 5 boys + 3 girls




Candice z Velké pevnosti - 1x Exc3
health: HD A/A, ED 0/0





JCh CZ, HU, Derby Winner 2012, Ch CZ, HU, SK, InterCh, Šampion šampionů RK 2013


Bonett Bride To Dorado Blanco


InterCh Span/GBZ, Ch GBZ, JCh Portugal

Baron of Stanfoph du Domaine des Rives de l'Erdre

Taram du Bois de la Rayere
Stanroph So It's a Miracle

MultiCh HCH, RoCh, HJCh, CZCh, CroCh

Bossa Nova De Ria Vela

Edgar de la Charola
Seven Angels de Ria Vela


Kayla Gold Rebecca

Multi JCh, Multi Ch, InterCh

Pinkerly Quiensabe

Matador v.d. Beerse Hoeve
Da Ya Think I'm Sexy

Dixi Gerix
Dewmist Sablafella
Chantal Zlaté slnko


Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco "Rocky" x Malorca Misantos "Clára"
1.6.2015 - 3 boys a 3 girls




Emma Apraxia Felon - 1x V1 CAJC, 1x V2, 3x V,
zdraví: HD A/A, ED 0/0
working tests: OVVR, KPZ - res CACT

Eda Apraxia Felon - 1x Exc,
health: HD A/A, ED 0/0, OCD ramen neg.

Erwin Apraxia Felon -
1x V2, 1x CAC, expectant of Czech champion
health: HD A/C, ED 0/0

 Eda Apraxia Felon                                       Egon Apraxia Felon


 Ella Apraxia Felon                                       Emma Apraxia Felon



Erwin Apraxia Felon                                       Ewa Apraxia Felon

Puppies opening their eyes :-)



JCh CZ, JCH HU, Derby Winner 2012, Ch CZ, Ch HU, InterCh

Bonett Bride To Dorado Blanco

InterCh Span/GBZ, Ch GBZ, JCh Portugal

Baron of Stanfoph du Domaine des Rives de l'Erdre

Taram du Bois de la Rayere
Stanroph So It's a Miracle

MultiCh HCH, RoCh, HJCh, CZCh, CroCh

Bossa Nova De Ria Vela

Edgar de la Charola
Seven Angels de Ria Vela



Malorca Misantos

GrandCh CZ, JCh CZ, Ch GRC, Ch SK
Cheek to Cheek Don Quijote de la Mancha

Mitcharron Love Bug
Cheek to Cheek Vodka Tonic
Brenda of Dream Team
Karvin Zaicca
Ordoghegyi Berni Eni Tara



Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco "Rocky" x Axikola Ora Amiko "Axina"
31.5.2015 - 1 boy a 1 girl



6.12.2015 - Fredy - Bodie Ora Amiko in 6 months


12.7.2015 - First time on table and they did very well - age 41 days!!!

Bodie Ora Amiko:


The are really big puppies!!!!



JCh CZ, JCH HU, Derby Winner 2012, Ch CZ, Ch HU, InterCh

Bonett Bride To Dorado Blanco

InterCh Span/GBZ, Ch GBZ, JCh Portugal

Baron of Stanfoph du Domaine des Rives de l'Erdre

Taram du Bois de la Rayere
Stanroph So It's a Miracle

MultiCh HCH, RoCh, HJCh, CZCh, CroCh

Bossa Nova De Ria Vela

Edgar de la Charola
Seven Angels de Ria Vela

Ch CZ 

Axikola Ora Amiko

Easy To Be Santana Golden

Fairy Jack is Friendly
Clara Christmas the Best Baron

Cherryl od Hradu Veveří

Pinkerly Quien Sabe
Aura z Kvasinských strání


Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco "Rocky" x Jill Bohemia Angel "Grace"
27.3.2015 - 2 boys a 7 girls



 Berenica ze Zlaté skalky - VP1

Brook ze Zlaté skalky - VN1, Best Puppy, V1 CAC - expectant of Czech champion
working test: OVVR
health: HD A/A

Bonnie ze Zlaté skalky - VN1, Vítěz třídy mladých


Puppies of Grace and Rocky are so lovely! Here in 6 weeks:


After long 17 hours long birth they are here! :-) Two boys and seven girls! I am so happy!



JCh CZ, JCH HU, Derby Winner 2012, Ch CZ, Ch HU, InterCh

Bonett Bride To Dorado Blanco

InterCh Span/GBZ, Ch GBZ, JCh Portugal

Baron of Stanfoph du Domaine des Rives de l'Erdre

Taram du Bois de la Rayere
Stanroph So It's a Miracle

MultiCh HCH, RoCh, HJCh, CZCh, CroCh

Bossa Nova De Ria Vela

Edgar de la Charola
Seven Angels de Ria yVela


Gill Bohemia Angel

InterCh, MultiCh

Ashbury Touch the Sky

Styal Santa Baloo
Ashbury Peace and Love
Extra Gentle Kiss Bohemia Angel
Back to my Dream Famous Gold
Gentle Kiss the Best Baron


Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco "Rocky" x Candy Gold Luck "Buggie"
18.3.2015 - 4 boys a 3 girls



Dakota Neposlušné štěně - BIS Baby, V1, VT, V1 CAC, expectant of Czech champion
health: HD A/A, ED 0/0, OCD neg.
working exam: OVVR


Dessy Neposlušné štěně - V1, VTM, V2 res CAC
HD B/A, ED 0/0


Puppies in 6 weeks



JCh CZ, JCH HU, Derby Winner 2012, Ch CZ, Ch HU, InterCh

Bonett Bride To Dorado Blanco

InterCh Span/GBZ, Ch GBZ, JCh Portugal

Baron of Stanfoph du Domaine des Rives de l'Erdre

Taram du Bois de la Rayere
Stanroph So It's a Miracle

MultiCh HCH, RoCh, HJCh, CZCh, CroCh

Bossa Nova De Ria Vela

Edgar de la Charola
Seven Angels de Ria yVela


Candy Gold Luck

MultiCh, InterCh, GrandCh 

Watterloo Misantos

Inassicas Coriander
Brenda of Dream Team
Easy To Happy Santana Golden
Fairy Jack Is Friendly
Clara Christmas the Best Baron



Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco "Rocky" x Clara Apraxia Felon "Klára"
21.1.2015 - 7 boys a 3 girls





Batman Junior od Chlumeckého rybníka - 1x res CAC 
health: HD A/A, ED 0/0, OCD neg. 




Barnie od Chlumeckého rybníka                        Batman Junior od Chlumeckého rybníka

Bella od Chlumeckého rybníka                        Bella Angie od Chlumeckého rybníka

Buffalo Bill od Chlumeckého rybníka



JCh CZ, JCH HU, Derby Winner 2012, Ch CZ, Ch HU, InterCh

Bonett Bride To Dorado Blanco

InterCh Span/GBZ, Ch GBZ, JCh Portugal

Baron of Stanfoph du Domaine des Rives de l'Erdre

Taram du Bois de la Rayere
Stanroph So It's a Miracle

MultiCh HCH, RoCh, HJCh, CZCh, CroCh

Bossa Nova De Ria Vela

Edgar de la Charola
Seven Angels de Ria yVela


Clara Apraxia Felon


Egoiste du Bois de la Rayere

Trailer O'Connor du Bois de la Rayere
Versace du Bois de la Rayere

JCh CZ, Ch CZ, Ch SK

Malorca Misantos

Cheek To Cheek do Quijote de la Mancha
Brenda of Dream Team

Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco "Rocky" x Jessica z Dražovského hájku
6.12.2014 - 1 boys a 4 girls


---- puppies are leaving their mother, but pink girl stays in kennel Kalipe :-) ----


All together in 6 weeks :-)

puppies in 5 weeks of age :-)


- - - - in birth box - - - -




Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco "Rocky" x Kayla Gold Rebecca
9.10.2014 - 7 boys and 2 girls

Benjamin                                                            Bruce

     Balu                                            Bart                                               Bonnie





Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco "Rocky" x Dorotka Pražský klenot "Dorotka"
5.10.2014 -  5 boys and 6 girls



Jocker Prazsky klenot
helath: HD A/A, ED 0/0


- - - - on a visit in age of 5 weeks - - - -


- - - - in two weeks - - - -


- - - - few days after the birth - - - -



JCh CZ, JCH HU, Derby Winner 2012, Ch CZ, Ch HU, InterCh

Bonett Bride To Dorado Blanco

InterCh Span/GBZ, Ch GBZ, JCh Portugal

Baron of Stanfoph du Domaine des Rives de l'Erdre

Taram du Bois de la Rayere
Stanroph So It's a Miracle

MultiCh HCH, RoCh, HJCh, CZCh, CroCh

Bossa Nova De Ria Vela

Edgar de la Charola
Seven Angels de Ria yVela


Dorotka Pražský klenot

Watterloo Misantos
Inassicas Coriander
Brenda of Dream Team
Bianca Pražský klenot
Aare Samuel Scandinavia Finland
Luisa Valentino Bohemia




Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco "Rocky" x Chanel Coco Misantos "Chanela"
20.7.2014 - 7 boys and 1 girl 



Ruby Misantos - 2x CAC, 1x res CAC. V1, VT, V3, 3x V, Junior BOG III., expectant of CZ champion
working exam: OVVR
health: HD A/A, ED 0/0

Rhapsody Misantos "Ricky" -
1x CAC, VN1, V1, VTM, Junior BIS4, V3, V4, 2x V, expectant of CZ champion
working exam:
OVVR, 5x KZVP, 3x KPZ, KVZPR + 2x CACT, titul "U" universal working dog!


Ravel Misantos "Harry" - 1x CACIB, 6x CAC, 10x resCAC, 3x CAJC, 1x BOJ, 1x BOB, 2x BOS,
Czech junior champion, expectant of champion CZ and SK
working tests: OVVR
health: HD A/A, ED 0/0, PRA1,2 clear


- - - - 9.11.2014 Ravel Misantos (Harry) - - - -


- - - - 2.11.2014 Rocky and his son Rhapsody Misantos (Riky) - - - -


Ruby Misantos


- - - - in 7 weeks - - - -



JCh CZ, JCH HU, Derby Winner 2012, Ch CZ, Ch HU, InterCh

Bonett Bride To Dorado Blanco

InterCh Span/GBZ, Ch GBZ, JCh Portugal

Baron of Stanfoph du Domaine des Rives de l'Erdre

Taram du Bois de la Rayere
Stanroph So It's a Miracle

MultiCh HCH, RoCh, HJCh, CZCh, CroCh

Bossa Nova De Ria Vela

Edgar de la Charola
Seven Angels de Ria yVela


Ymca Misantos

Bruce of Dream Team
Karvin Zaicca
Ordoghegyi Berni Eni Tara
Oxana Misantos
Melody Makers Memory of Louis
Karolina z Vlci Stepy



Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco "Rocky" & Axelle z Neřežínského lesa "Tequila"
2.7.2014 - 4 boys, 3 girls





Bella z Kamenného domu - 1x CAC, 2x res CAC
zdraví: HD A/A, ED 0/0
pracovní zkoušky: OVVR, PZ

Photos of Bella:




Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco "Rocky" & Bibianka Zlatá kudrnka
10.6.2013, 4 boys & 1 girl


Apollo Goldymate
2x VP1, 2x EXC2, 2x EXC3, 2x EXC, 1x CAC, expectant of Czech champion
health results: HD A/A, ED 0/0
working tests: OVVR, KZVP, KPZ

Arinka Goldymate
zdraví: HD B/B, ED 0/0
canisterapeutic dog


A P O L L O   G O L D Y M A T E


A L E X   G O L D Y M A T E



A T O M I C   G O L D Y M A T E



A R N O S T   G O L D Y M A T E



A R I N K A   G O L D Y M A T E


 - - - - - - -

Arinka Goldymate - 6 weeks

 Alex Goldymate - 6 weeks


Atomic Goldymate - 6 weeks

Apollo Goldymate - 6 weeks

Arnošt Goldymate - 6 weeks



Genetic information of Bibi and Rocky - 10-generation COI 3,21 %

JCh CZ, JCH HU, Derby Winner 2012 Bonett Bride To Dorado Blanco

InterCh Span/GBZ, Ch GBZ, JCh Portugal Baron of Stanfoph du Domaine des Rives de l'Erdre Taram du Bois de la Rayere
Stanroph So It's a Miracle
MultiCh HCH, RoCh, HJCh, CZCh, CroCh Bossa Nova De Ria Vela Edgar de la Charola
Seven Angels de Ria Vela
Bibianka Zlatá kudrnka Clark ze Zásmuk Amilcare
Blond Berry of Blue Erinor
Aida z Olšového mlází High Rival Golden Erinor
Kessy Chlupaté štěstí



Bonett Bride To Dorado Blanco "Rocky" & Stanroph Say It For Always "Blonde"
8.2.2013 - two boys


I got a photo of Kvit, Rocky's son in age of one year. He is very friendly dog and looks really like his father :-)


Son of Blonde and Rocky in 7 weeks



Genetic information of Blonde and Rocky - 10-generation COI 7,90 %

JCh CZ, JCH HU, Derby Winner 2012
Bonett Bride To Dorado Blanco

InterCh Span/GBZ, Ch GBZ, JCh Portugal
Baron of Stanfoph du Domaine des Rives de l'Erdre
Taram du Bois de la Rayere
Stanroph So It's a Miracle
MultiCh HCH, RoCh, HJCh, CZCh, CroCh
Bossa Nova De Ria Vela
Edgar de la Charola
Seven Angels de Ria Vela

Stanroph Say It For Always
Eng. SH. Ch.
Stanroph Endelwood Nicolas
Shazeldon Love in the Soul
Stanroph Sailors Fantasy

Stanroph Senora Ruby Tuesday
Stanroph Sandboy
Stanroph Selina



Brook ze Zlaté skalky - VN1, Nejlepší dorost, V1 CAC - čekatelka šampiona ČR
pracovní stránka: OVVR
zdraví: HD A/A