Litter "F"


On 21th of April 2016 were born 4 boys and 3 girls to Homer and Sofie

(Kassander of Bridge Four x Away from Sophia Dorado Blanco)



Fanta Bubles "Bella"                           Femme Fatale "Amy"                                    Felicita "Meggie"


Frappuccino "Charlie"                                               Ferrero Rocher "Rocky"


Forest Gump "Amigo"                                             Fighting Hero "Nik"



F A T H E R:


Kassander of Bridge Four "Homer",


InterCh, JCh PL, CZ, Ch PL, DE, VDH, CZ, SK, HU


  • Born: 12.2.2011
  • HD 0/0, ED 0/0
  • PRA1 + PRA2 clear

Homer is dog coming from Belgian kennel of Bridge Four and was imported to Poland to kennel Golden Gaj. I know Homer since his youth age when I met him few times in Czech dog shows. I was present at his many great show achievements. I loved Homer more and more as he was growing and developing himself every year. I love his temperament, friendly character, great working abilities and last but not least my decission to mate with Homer was influenced by very good health results of his progeny.


M O T H E R:
Away from Sophia Dorado Blanco "Sofie"
  • Born: 4.6.2012
  • HD 1/2, ED 0/0
  • PRA1 + PRA2 clear

Sofie is amazing friendly dog, very devoted and cuddly. She lives in our kennel with her mother Meggie who has excellent working ability. Sofie has part of this character from her and she loves working on the field very much too. Sofie has also great success on dog shows, p.e. she become BOB in strong competition on retriever club show in 2015. Sofie had her first puppies in year 2014 (liter C). Some of the puppies are very succesful on shows as well, they passed some working tests with great success, they have great temperament and the most important are their good health results.




InterCh, JCh PL, CZ, Ch PL, DE, VDH, CZ, SK, HU

Kassander of Bridge Four

InterCh, Ch BE 

Gatschells Man of Honour

Golmas Governor

Gatchells Royal Orchid

InterCh, Ch NL, DE, VDH, UK, DK 

Highlight of Bridge Four

Taram du Bois de la Rayere
Gatchells Promise of Pearls


Away from Sophia Dorado Blanco


MultiCH, Multi JCh, InterCH, European Winner 2011

Bonett Bride Double Decker

Pinkerly Never Say Never
Bossa Nova de Ria Vela

Ch CZ, Ch SK, Morgiana Misantos "U"
Cheek to Cheek Don Quijote de la Mancha
Brenda of Dream Team


Weight until weeks... sorry it was not possible to weight puppies since 6 weeks of age :-D

Colour  Name       Born weight     1. week   2. week     3. week   4. week     5. week     6. week    7. week   
blue boy  Frappuccino   430g  850g  1330g  1910g  2670g  4000g    
purple girl  Fanta Bubbles  335g   710g  1190g  1750g  2450g  3520g    
red girl  Femme Fatale  340g   730g  1200g  1750g  2360g  3460g    
green boy  Ferrero Rocher    510g   990g  1430g  2010g  2820g  4010g    
pink girl  Felicita  370g   740g  1210g  1830g  2560g  3630g    
silver boy  Forest Gump  375g   790g  1280g  1840g  2560g  3640g    
orange boy     Fighting Hero  430g   850g  1280g  1850g  2570g  3790g    



Frappuccino - modrý kluk


Fanta Bubbles - fialová holka



 Femme Fatale - červená holka


Ferrero Rocher - zelený kluk


Felicita - růžová holka


Forest Gump - stříbrný kluk


Fighting Hero - oranžový kluk



26.5.2016 - Fotečky v 5ti týdnech :-)

Na pětitýdenní narozeninky jsem udělala štěňátkům nové fotky. Jsou kouzelní :-)

24.5.2016 - New portraits - 4 W a 5 D


Frappuccino Dorado Blanco - blue boy                      Fanta Bubbles Dorado Blanco - violet girl



Femme Fatale Dorado Blanco - red girl                   Ferrero Rocher Dorado Blanco - green boy



Felicita Dorado Blanco  - pink girl                        Forest Gump Dorado Blanco - silver boy



Fighting Hero Dorado Blanco - orange boy



14.5.2016 - First time outside


Frappuccino Dorado Blanco - blue boy


Fanta Bubbles - violet girl


Femme Fatale - red girl



Ferrero Rocher - green boy



Felicita - pink girl 


Forest Gump - silver boy



Fighting Hero - orange boy



3.5.2016 - Our puppies have names :-)


Frappuccino Dorado Blanco - blue boy


Fanta Bubbles Dorado Blanco - violet girl



Femme Fatale Dorado Blanco - red girl


Ferrero Rocher Dorado Blanco - green boy


Felicita Dorado Blanco - pink girl



Forest Gump Dorado Blanco - silver boy



Fighting Hero Dorado Blanco - orange boy



26.4.2016 - We are 5 days old

Our puppies grow very fast! Their weight is almost double. They are very nice and relaxed puppies :-) 


The hill of love:


Some sleeping pictures :-)

21.4.2016 - Puppies are here!!!

On Thursday Sofie gave birth to seven wonderful puppes! We have four boys and three girls. Birth went very well, six puppies born within 2 hours, however seventh puppy was in a bad position and section was necessary.

No we are all back at home and Sofi and puppies are doing well :-) 


1.4.2016 - Belly is growing

Belly of Sofie is growing every day :-) She rests a lot and she is not interested in playing with other dogs at all.

42. day of pregnancy


19.3.2016 - Sofie is pregnant

Today we passed ultrasound screen and we have seen at least four puppies :-)