Archive - Dog shows 2010 - 2015
Dog shows 2015
27.7.2015 - Club show RK Horka nad Moravou
Volente Deo Princess and the Pea (Zarja) - open class
27.7. (6 bitches) - judge Mrs. Ingrid Grill (AT) - Exc1 CAC, Club winner
Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco (Rocky) - champion class
27.7. (7 males) - judge Mrs. Ingrid Grill (AT) - Exc1 CAC
Coca-Cola Dorado Blanco (Rocky) - junior class
27.7. (14 bitches) - judge Mrs. Ingrid Grill (AT) - Exc1 CAJC, BOJ, BOB!!!!
26.7.2015 - Mezinárodní výstava Czestochowa (PL)
Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco "Rocky" - working class
26.7. (2 males) - judge Mr.Janusz Opara (PL) - Exc2
Volente Deo Princess and the Pea (Zarja) - open class
26.7. (12 bitches) - judge Mr.Janusz Opara (PL) - Exc3
18.7.2015 - National show Mladá Boleslav (CZ)
Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco "Rocky" - champion class
18.7. (7 males) - judge Mr. Petr Studeník (CZ) - Exc1 CAC, National winner, BOB, BIG2
Volente Deo Princess and the Pea (Zarja) - open class
18.7. (14 bitches) - judge Mr. Petr Studeník (CZ) - Exc1 CAC
5.6.2015 - Celoštátna výstava psov (SK)
Volente Deo Princess and the Pea (Zarja) - intermediate class
5.6. (3 bitches) - judge Mr. E. Mate Duran (ES) - Exc1 CAC
Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco "Rocky" - working class
5.6. (2 males) - judge Mr. E. Mate Duran (ES) - Exc1 CAC
30.5.2015 - Klubová výstava RK Konopiště
Volente Deo Princess and the Pea (Zarja) - intermediate
30.5. (15 bitches) - judge Mrs. Rikke Borring (DK) - Exc1 CAC, Club Winner, BOB !!!
Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco "Rocky" - champion class
30.5. (7 dogs) - judge Mrs. Marianne Skott Jespersen (DK) - Exc3
24.5.2015 - Mezinárodní výstava Rzeszow (PL)
Volente Deo Princess and the Pea (Zarja) - intermediate
24.5. (5 bitches) - judge Mrs. Janis Ward (GB) - Exc3
Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco "Rocky" - working class
24.5. (3 dogs) - judge Mrs. Janis Ward (GB) - Exc1 CWC
2.5.2015 - CACIB Praha
Volente Deo Princess and the Pea (Zarja) - intermediate
2.5. (10 bitches) - judge Mrs. Soleckyj Szpunar Viva Maria (PL) - Exc1 CAC
8.2.2015 - DUOCACIB Brno
Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco "Rocky" - champion class
8.2. (7 males) - judge Mr. Duško Piljevič (SRB) - Excellent
24.1.2015 - Krajowa wystawa psów Glogów (PL)
Volente Deo Princess and the Pea (Zarja) - intermediate
24.1. (5 bitches) - judghe Tomasz Mroczek - Exc1 CWC, Best bitch, BOB
Dog shows 2014
7.12.2014 - Krajowa wystawa psów Swiebodzice (PL)
Volente Deo Princess and the Pea (Zarja) - intermediate
29.10. (4 bitches) - Exc1 CWC
29. - 30.11.2014 - DUOCACIB Nitra (SK)
Volente Deo Princess and the Pea (Zarja) - intermediate
29.10. (6 bitches) - judge Mrs. Märki Casanova Beatrix - Exc3
30.10. (6 bitches) - judge Zdenka Jílková - Exc3
1. - 2.11.2014 - DUOCACIB Prag (CZ)
Volente Deo Princess and the Pea (Zarja) - intermediate
1.11. (6 bitches) - judge Mrs. Sigrid Holzer - Exc1, CAC
2.11. (7 bitches) - judge Mr. Hans Rosenberg - Exc2, res CAC
Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco (Rocky) - champion class
2.11. (8 dogs) - judge Mr. Hans Rosenberg- Excellent 1, CAC + CACIB
30.8.2014 - International Dog show Mladá Boleslav (CZ)
Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco (Rocky) - champion class
30.8. (5 dogs) - judge Bruno Faq - Excellent 4
31.5. - 1.6.2014 - Club and special show RK Konopiště (CZ)
Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco (Rocky) - working class
31.5. (7 males) - rozhodčí Mrs. Penny Gowland - Exc3
01.6. (6 males) - Mrs. Sue Brown - Exc4
Volente Deo Princess and the Pea (Zarja) - junior class
31.5. (14 bitches) - Mrs. Sue Brown - Exc1 CAJC, BOJ
01.6. (9 bitches) - Mrs. Penny Gowland - Exc1 CAJC, BOJ
10.-11.5.2014 - Club and special show KCHLS Humpolec (CZ)
Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco (Rocky) - working class
10.5. (10 males) - judge Mr. Bob Lane - V3
11.5. (10 males) - judge Mrs. Sandy Lane - V2, res CAC
Volente Deo Princess and the Pea (Zarja) - junior class
10.5. (10 bitches) - judge Mr. Bob Lane - V4
11.5. (13 bitches) - judge Mrs. Sandy Lane - V2
26.4.2014 - International show Prag - qualification for Crufts 2015
Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco (Rocky) - open class
26.4. (1 male) - judge: Mr. Lovenkjaer Svend (DK) - Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB - nominated for Crufts 2015
Volente Deo Princess and the Pea (Zarja) - junior class
26.4. (8 bitches) - judge: Mr. Lovenkjaer Svend (DK) - Excellent 1, CAJC, BOJ - nominated for Crufts 2015
Also our progenies from Meggie (Morgiana Misantos) and Rocky (Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco) were successful on the show:
Brave Lady Dorado Blanco (Lara) - puppy class (3 bitches) - Very promissing 1
26.4.2014 - International dog show České Budějovice (CZ)
Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco (Rocky) - working class
26.4. (1 dog) - judge: Mr. František Šimek (CZ) - Excellent 1, CAC
Volente Deo Princess and the Pea (Zarja) - junior class
26.4. (5 fen) - judge: Mr. František Šimek (CZ) - Excellent 1, CAJC & BOJ
Away from Sophia Dorado Blanco (Sofie) - intermediate class
26.4. (5 fen) - judge: Mr. František Šimek (CZ) - Very good 3
28. - 29.3.2014 - Club & International Show Nitra Slovakia
Volente Deo Princess and the Pea (Zarja) - junior class
28.3. (6 bitches) - judge: Judit Beke (HU) - Exc2
29.3. (5 bitches) - judge: Linda Voláriková (SK) - Exc1 CAJC + BOS!
23.2.2014 - DUOCACIB Brno
Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco (Rocky) - working class (5 dogs)
Judge: Ingrid Grill (AT) - Exc2, res CAC
Volente Deo Princess and the Pea (Zarja) - puppy class (7 bitches)
Judge: Ingrid Grill (AT) - Very promissing 1
14.2.2014 - Fehova Wintershow Budapest (Hungary)
Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco (Rocky) - working class (4 dogs)
Judge: Anita Baumin (HU) - Exc1, CAC, CACIB, BOB & BOG1 (under judge Vladimir Piskay)
18.1.2014 - Wintershow Trenčín (Slovakia)
Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco (Rocky) - working class (3 males)
Judge: Tibor Havelka (SK) - Exc1, CAC
Away from Sophia Dorado Blanco (Sofi) - intermediate(4 bitches)
Judge: Tibor Havelka (SK) - Exc2
Dog shows 2013
30.11. - 1.12.2013 - DUOCACIB Nitra Slovakia
Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco (Rocky)
30.11. judge: Nenad Davidovič (SRB) - Excellent 2, resCAC
01.12. judge: Milivoje Urošević (SRB) - Excellent 4
11/2013 - DOUBLE CACIB Prague
Volente Deo Princess and the Pea "Zarja" - puppy class (4 bitches)
3.12. judge: Hana Ahrens, very promissing 2
9/2013 - Retriever club show Oslavany (CZ)
Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco (Rocky) - open class (7 dogs)
21.9. judge: Mr. Ray Strudwick (UK), Excellent 2, res CAC
7/2013 - International show Mladá Boleslav (CZ)
Morgiana Misantos (Meggie) - working class (2 bitches)
20.7. judge: Mr. Tesics György (H), Exc1, CAC
Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco (Rocky) - open class (11 dogs)
20.7. judge: Mr. Tesics György (H), Excellent 4
6/2013 - RK club show Konopiště (CZ)
Golden Countryside's Jewel General (Max) - intermediate class (5 dogs)
1.6. judge: Mrs. Ann Hagger (UK), V2, res CAC
Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco (Rocky) - The Champion of champions (27 retrievers - males and bitches)
1.6. team of judges of all club show: The Junior champion of champions RK CZ 2013, The champion of champions RK CZ 2013
Away from Brooklyn Dorado Blanco (Brook) - junior class, 22 bitches
Judge: Mrs. Gloria Gargan (UK), V2
4/2013 - World Dog Show Hungary - Budapest
Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco (Rocky) - open class (37 dogs)
19.5. judge: Mr. Laurent Pichard (CH), Rocky was shortlisted into TOP 10 :-)
4/2013 - International show Prag
Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco (Rocky) - intermediate class
28.4. judge: Petr Studeník (CZ), Exc1, CAC, res CACIB
Morgiana Misantos (Meggie) - open class (12 bitches)
28.4. judge: Petr Studeník (CZ), Exc3
4/2013 - Spaniels and retriever club show Humpolec CZ
Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco (Rocky) - intermedate class
28.4. judge: Sjoerd Jobse (SE), V1
4/2013 - International show Germany - Dresden
Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco (Rocky) - intermedate
27.4. judge: Mrs. Singrid Jarmer (A): V1, Anw. D. Ch. VDH
Morgiana Misantos (Meggie) - open class
27.4. judge: Mrs. Singrid Jarmer (A): V1, Anw. D. Ch. VDH
Unfortunately I don't have any picture of Meggie from this show.
3/2013 - Finland, Dog show in Kaarina
Our progeny: Away from Memphis Dorado Blanco
23.2. judge: Mrs. Gill Hare (UK), puppy class: VN1, Best Dog Puppy
2/2013 - Nitra CACIB & Clubshow
Morgiana Misantos (Meggie) - BECAME SLOVAKIAN CHAMPION
22.2. judge: Mr. Chris Hancock (IRL): Excellent 3
23.2. judge: Mr. Törnlöv Nils-Arne (S): Excellent 1, CAC
24.2. judge: Ms. Opris Roxana Liliana (RO): Excellent 2, res CAC
Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco (Rocky)
23.2. judge: Mr. Törnlöv Nils-Arne (S): Excellent 2, res CAC
24.2. judge: Ms. Opris Roxana Liliana (RO): Excellent 2, res CAC
2/2013 - DUOCACIB Brno
Morgiana Misantos (Meggie)
2.2. judge: Mr. Dušan Paunovič (SRB): Excellent 4 (working class, 7 bitches)
3.2. judge: Mr. Rune Fagerström (FIN): Excellent 2, res CAC (open class, 8 bitches)
Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco (Rocky)
2.2. judge: Mr. Rune Fagerström (FIN): very good (intermediate, 9 dogs)
3.2. judge: Ms. Hana Ahrens: Excellent (we were leaving from 5th place :-), 9 dogs)
Away from Sophia Dorado Blanco (Sofie)
3.2. judge: Rune Fagerström (FIN): very promissing 3, (puppy class, 10 bitches)
Dog shows 2012
12/2012, Special and Internatonal show Nitra - Slovakia 30.11. - 2.12.2012
Bonett Bride To Dorado Blanco (Rocky)
30.11. Judge: Petr Studeník (CZ): Exc2, res. CAC (open class, 2 dogs)
01.12. Judge: Jana Janek (SK): Exc3 (open class, 6 dogs)
11/2012, International show Prague, 3.-4.11.2012
Bonett Bride To Dorado Blanco (Rocky)
16.6. Judge: František Pasák: V2, res. CAC (intermediate, 5 dogs)
17.6. Judge: Mgr. Milan Hampl: V2, res. CAC (intermediate, 6 dogs)

10/2012, Derby & CACIB Komarom (HU), 21.10.2012
Bonett Bride To Dorado Blanco (Rocky)
21.10. Judge: Mrs. Marie Luise Doppelreiter (A), intermediate class, 5 dogs
V1, CAC + res. CACIB, Derby winner male, BEST DERBY GOLDEN RETRIEVER 2012

9/2012, Retriever club show Oslavany (CZ), 22.6.2012
Bonett Bride To Dorado Blanco (Rocky)
intermediate class, 11 dogs, judge Mr. Robert Lane (UK) Exc 2, res CAC
Golden Countryside's Jewel General (Max)
junior class, 12 dogs, judge Mr. Robert Lane (UK) Exc 2
9/2012, DUOCACIB, Hungary
Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco (Rocky)
8.9. - intermediate class, Exc 1, titel CAC + CACIB
9.9. - intermediate class, Exc 1, titel CAC + res. CACIB
Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco (Rocky)
25.8. - Junior class, titel CAJC, BOJ
26.8. - Junior class, titel CAJC, BOJ - Rocky becomes The Junior Champion of Hungary
8/2012, National and International Show Leipzig (DE)
Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco (Rocky)
18.9. Junior Class, Exc 3
19.9. Junior Class, Exc 3
6/2012, International Show Brno (CZ), 23.6.2012
Bonett Bride To Dorado Blanco (Rocky)
junior class, 14 dogs, Judge: Susan Höger (A)
V1 CAJC, BOJ - Rocky becomes The Junior Champion of Czech in afternoon's competitions: Junior BOG 1 :-)
6/2012 Retriever club show Konopiště (CZ) - 16.-17.6.2012
Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco (Rocky)
16.6. judge: Lynn Kipps: Exc 2 (junior class 18 dogs)
17.6. judge: Margarete Woods: Exc 2 (junior class 13 dogs)
Golden Countryside's Jewel General (Max)
17.6. in words of the judge Mrs. Woods : very very very promissing 1 :-)
5/2012, CACIB Litoměřice (CZ), 26.5.2012
Bonett Bride To Dorado Blanco (Rocky)
junior class, 5 dogs, judge Mr. Petr Studeník V1 CAJC, BOJ and BOB
on afternoon's competitons: Junior BOG 1 a BOG 3
Golden Countryside's Jewel General (Max)
baby class, 2 dogs, judge Mr. Petr Studeník Very Promissing 1
5/2012 - World Dog Show - Salzburg (Austria)
Bonett Bride To Dorado Blanco (Rocky)
18.5.2012 - Exc3 (from 43 dogs), thank you Krisztina for wonderful handling of Rocky :-)
5/2012 - Club and special retriever show Humpolec
Bonett Bride To Dorado Blanco (Rocky)
12.5.2012 - Judge Mr. Richardson, V1 CAJC (from 15 dogs), BOJ, Junior BIS
13.5.2012 - Judge Mrs. Richardson, V2 (from 15 dogs)
Golden Countryside's Jewel General (Max)
12.5.2012 - Judge Mr. Richardson, Very Promissing 1 (3 dogs), BIS BABY
13.5.2012 - Judge Mrs. Richardson, Very Promissing 2 (3 dogs)
4/2012, 3. Internatioal Dog Show Dresden (DE), 22.4.2012
Bonett Bride To Dorado Blanco (Rocky)
junior class, 6 dogs, judge Mr. Theo Leenen (B) - V1 Anw.Dt.Jug.Ch. VDH
2 dogs (best junior bitch, best junior male), judge Mr. Theo Leenen (B) - JUNIOR BOB
Junior Best of Group, 8 dogs, judge Mr. Theo Leenen (B) - JUNIOR BOG VIII
Junior Best in Show, 6 dogs, judge Dr. Willfried Peper (D) - JUNIOR BIS
And our Cup :-)
Morgiana Misantos
22.4.2012 working class, 4 bitches, Judge Mr. Theo Leenen (B) - V2 Res.-Anw.Dt.Ch. VDH
3/2012, NITRADOG (SK), 24. - 25.3.2012
Morgiana Misantos
24.3.2012 working class, 4 bitches, judge Mr. Stanovský Exc1 CAC, CACIB
25.3.2012 working class, 4 bitches, judge Mrs. Szilagyi Exc2, res CAC
Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco
24.3.2012 junior class, 8 dogs, judge Mr. Stanovský Exc4
25.3.2012 junior class, 6 dogs, judge Mrs. Szilagyi Exc2
2/2012, DUOCACIB Brno (CZ), 4.2.2012
Morgiana Misantos
Working class, 11 bitches, judge Mrs. Lynue Hennessy (Rytzilyn kennel) - Exc2, res. CAC
2/2012, DUOCACIB Brno (CZ), 5.2.2012
Morgaina Misantos
Open class, 12 bitches, judge Mr. George Hennessy (Rytzilyn kennel) - Exc1, CAC
2/2012, DUOCACIB Brno (CZ), 4.2.2012
Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco
Puppy class, 8 dogs, judge Mr. George Hennessy (Rytzilyn kennel) - VP1
2/2012, DUOCACIB Brno (CZ), 5.2.2012
Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco
Puppy class, 8 dogs, judge Mrs. Lynue Hennessy (Rytzilyn kennel)- VP1
1/2012, International show Nürnberg (DE)
Morgiana Misantos
working class, 6 bitches, judge Dr. Wilfried Peper Exc2, Res Anw. D. Ch. VDH
1/2012, National show Brno (CZ)
Morgiana Misantos
working class, 5 bitches, judge Dr. D. Smržová (CZ) - Exc3
Dog shows 2011
12/2011, International show Świebodzice (PL)
Morgiana Misantos
working class, 5 bitches, judge M.Wierzchowska (PL) - Exc2
11/2011, International show Prag (CZ)
Morgiana Misantos
intermediate, 11 bitches, judge M. Kašpar (CZ) - VG3
Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco
baby class, 9 dogs, judge M. Václavík - VP
9/2011, Club show Bernburg (DE)
Morgiana Misantos
junior class, 12 bitches, judge Francesc Isern Canet (ES) - Exc3
9/2011, Club show Oslavany (CZ)
Morgiana Misantos
intermediate, 8 bitches, judge Aidan T. McKiernan - Exc3
Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco
baby class, 8 dogs, judge Mrs. Catherine Collins - VN2
9/2011, National show Brno (CZ)
Morgiana Misantos
intermediate, 10 bitches, judge B. Hutchison - Exc3
Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco
baby class, 1 dog, judge B. Hutchison - VP1
7/2011, International show Augsburg (DE)
Morgiana Misantos
junior class, 6 bitches, judge B. Stefan Sinko (SLO) - Exc3
7/2011, National show Mladá Boleslav (CZ)
Morgiana Misantos
junior class, 10 bitches, judge F. Pasák (CZ) - Exc
5/2011, Club show Humpolec (CZ)
Morgiana Misantos
junior class, 21 bitches!!, judge Arnold Ryder - Exc2
4/2011, International show Dresden (DE)
Morgiana Misantos
junior class, 7 bitches, judge Jochen Eberhardt (DE) - Exc2, Jung. Res.Anw.Dt.Ch.VDH
3/2011, International show Mnichov (DE)
Morgiana Misantos
junior class, 5 bitches, judge Hans Müller (CH) - Exc1, Jung.Anw.Dt.Ch.VDH
2/2011, DUOCACIB Brno (CZ)
Morgiana Misantos
puppy class, 12 bitches, judge Dan Ericsson - VP4
2/2011, DUOCACIB Brno (CZ)
Morgiana Misantos
puppy class, 11 bitches, judge Henric Fryckstrand - VP2
Dog shows 2010
10/2010, International show České Budějovice (CZ)
baby class, 4 bitches
Morgiana Misantos - VN3
9/2010, National show Brno (CZ)
baby class, 1 bitch
Morgiana Misantos - VN1
Thank you, Michal, for nice handling of Meggie :-)
9/2010, Club show Oslavany (CZ)
baby class, 6 bitches
Morgiana Misantos - VN1