News 2015



PF 2016



20.12.2015 - Enjoy the Life Dorado Blanco is leaving

Zarja's little girl will be 8 weeks old in 2 days and her family looks forward to her very very much! I will miss her a lot, but I know she will have great family and I am sure she will be very happy! 

Her pet name will be Melody.

last photos before her leaving


Melody with her new owner Lucka



6.12.2015 - Zarja's puppy first time on the table :-)


Ejoy the Life Dorado Blanco


6.12.2015 - Training with Easy (Eli)



4.12.2015 - Enjoy the Life Dorado Blanco - first time outside


28. - 29.11.2015 - Very successful show in Slovakian Nitra

I spent very nice weekend in Slovakia with my friends and my dogs Lili and Sofie on double show in Nitra. We had very good results:

Lili in puppy class got very promissing 2 both days
Sofie in open class CAC and res CAC
Harry - son of Rocky, V3 and res CAC


Our dogs in wonderful accomodation in Pereš                              Away from Sophia Dorado Blanco "Sofinka"

            Non Stop Rome Wasn't Built in a Day "Lili"                                    Ravel Misantos "Harry"


21.11.2015 - Training with Lili

On Saturday it was very nice weather and I decided to make a short training with Lili. She is very very clever girl!!! 


14.11.2015 - New member of our kennel - Eli (Easy)

On Saturday my dream came true!!! Me and my family came to pick-up Eli in Prag airport!!! His official name is Right Hunter Show Leader. In the past I fell in love with Eli's father Turbo. It was question of time until I find a puppy after him... in July, when I saw Eli for the first time on photo I knew that this will be my dog!!! :-) And now he is here! I am so happy about it and I would like to say many thanks to his breeder Natalia Rozhkova for her trust!!!

Waiting in the airport:

Eli with his breeder in Russia :-)


getting used in our home :-)



6.11.2015 - Autumn walk

It was wonderful suny day and I had to take camera with me :-) 

From left: Zarja, Sofie, Lili, Meggie, Rocky a Violetta


5.11.2015 - Daughter of Zarja in 7 days



3.11.2015 - Audi and Rocky have puppies 

6 girl and 3 boys were born on Monday 3rd of November!!! Everything was absolutely ok! :-) 


1.11.2015 - Mezinárodní výstava Praha

Moc jsem se těšila na výstavu do Prahy, potřebovala jsem trochu přijít na jiné myšlenky po všech komplikacích s porodem Zarinky. Výstava byla dvoudenní, ale své psy jsem přihlásila jen na neděli. V sobotu jsem ale byla na výstavě vystavit psy přátelům. Byly to moc fajn dva dny.

Na výstavu se přijelo také podívat několik Rockyho štěňátek, Fialka od Almy se přišla podívat jak výstava probíhá a její povaha ji nechávala vůči hluku a rozruchu v hale naprosto imunní. Skvěle zvládli prostředí také Lordík a Lara od Clarky. Přijeli také Lili, Sadík a Cesarek od Máji. Byla to moc fajn setkání.

V neděli posuzovala paní rozhodčí z Dánska, která zadávala výbornou jen u prvních dvou míst, ostatní místa dostala VD nebo dokonce D. Také se stalo, že u prvního a druhého místa nezadala vůbec titul. Na takové hodnocení nejsme moc zvyklí a hodně vystavovatelů tím bylo zaskočeno, včetně mě :-)

Naše výsledky byly následující:

Away from Sophia Dorado Blanco "Sofinka" - V1 CAC ve třídě otevřené

Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco "Rocky" - V4 ve třídě šampionů

Non-Stop Rome Wasn't Build in a Day "Lili" - VN4 ve třídě dorostu

Ice Fredina Agi "Violetta" - VD3 ve třídě mladých


Na výstavě se vystavovali také Rockyho odchovy. Od Bibianky Zlatá kudrnka se vystavovali sourozenci Apollo Goldymate a Arinka Goldymate, kteří získali hodnocení VD. Arinka je dvou a půl letá fenka, která se výstavy zúčastnila za celý svůj život úplně poprvé a zvládla to skvěle! Musím upřímně říct, že se mi mohlička moc líbila :-) 

Sourozenci Arinka a Apollo Goldymate


Dále se vystavoval Ravel Misantos, který získal hodnocení V3 a druhý den VD3.

Ravel Misantos "Harry"



27.10.2015 - Zarja a její štěněčí holčička

Dnes nastal den, na který nikdy nezapomenu, bohužel ne úplně v pozitivním směru.

Je to třetí den, kdy Zarje klesla teplota. V neděli na 37,0, v pondělí na 36,9. Dnes je úterý a Zarja stále hrabe jak doma v bedně, tak venku na zahradě, je velmi nervózní, nespala už dvě noci a neustále funí a funí. Připadá mi, že začíná být moc unavená a mě se to přestává líbit. Vyrážíme k MVDr. Lázničkovi a já mám pořád nějaký špatný pocit. Jede se mnou moje maminka, jsem ráda, že na to nejsem sama. Za necelou hodinu jsme v ordinaci. Ultrazvuk ukázal, že obě dvě štěňátka jsou v pořádku a srdíčka krásně tlučou. Přistoupili jsme na variantu, že Zarja dostane injekci , projdeme se na půl hodiny a pokud nezačnou kontrakce, podstoupí císařský řez. Při procházce poblíž ordinace začaly Zarje kontrakce a já měla radost, že to zvládneme bez operace. Pan doktor měl také radost, vyšetření ukázalo, že porodní cesty jsou připravené a první štěňátko bylo cítit rukou docela blízko. Zarje praskla voda, tlačila a snažila se štěňátko porodit. Pan doktor občas zkontroloval rukou, jak porod postupuje, ale Zarje se to vůbec nelíbilo. Strašně vyváděla a bylo to moc stresující pro nás všechny.  Kontrakce a porod vypadaly ale jinak úplně normálně, nedělo se nic výjimečného. Po necelé hodině se doktor ale raději rozhodl, že Zarje pomůže. Držela jsem Zarju, která strašně kvičela a za necelou půl minutu bylo štěňátko venku. Bohužel po rozbalení vaku bylo vidět, že štěňátko nejeví známky života. Pan doktor se snažil štěňátko oživit, z nosánku mu tekla voda, kterou se snažil odsát. Bohužel všechna snaha byla marná, malá štěněčí holčika nepřežila. Moc nás to sebralo, pan doktor byl také zaskočený, ani on to podle jeho slov nečekal. Vzal Zarju hned na ultrazvuk aby zkontroloval druhé štěňátko. Jeho srdeční frekvence se mu nelíbila a tak jsem se rozhodla hned pro císařský řez. Zarja byla během pár minut na operačním sále a my s maminkou čekaly beze slov za dveřmi, strašně jsme se bály. Za chvilku nám sestřička přinesla zabalenou mokrou holčičku, u nosu se jí ještě dělaly bublinky, ale byla v pořádku. Brzy nám na dece přinesli i Zarju a my čekaly hodinu, než se vzbudí z narkózy. Bylo to moc smutné, vidět ji jak bezvládně leží a ani neví, že se jí narodilo krásné štěňátko. Trápilo mě také vědomí toho, že ještě relativně před chvílí jsem v jejím bříšku cítila obě sestřičky plné života. Nepřestanu přemýšlet nad tím, že jsem se mohla rozhodnout pro císařský řez hned když jsme přijely a sestřičky mohly vyrůstat spolu. Nechtěla jsem ale aby Zarja tento zákrok podstupovala, když vše vypadalo tak dobře. Tyto myšlenky mne budou provázet asi ještě dlouho.

Zarjo, moc si přeju, abys byla zase zdravá a veselá jako dřív. Tvoje věčné vrtění ocásku mi dává pocit štěstí. Snad brzy zapomeneš na tento hrozný den.


23.10.2015 - Poslední volný pejsek

7mi týdenní štěně: Denny z Borových lesů je poslední volný pejsek. Jeho tatínkem je náš Rocky. Denny je nejmohutnější pejsek z vrhu, má už téměř 7 kg, bude to pořádný pes :-)
Pro více informací volejte: 602 760 396


11.10.2015 - Klubové ZPR Blevice RK

Úžasný víkend jsme strávily s Meggie na klubových zkouškách přinášení retrieverů! Byly to naše první zkoušky podle nových zkušebních řádů. Čekala jsem, že největší problém budeme mít na handlingu na dva kusy pernaté, kde je vyžadováno předvedení přesné poslušnosti psa a reakce na pokyny vůdce. Vzhledem k tomu, že Meggie je zvyklá pracovat převážně jako samostatná jednotka, byla to přesně disciplína, která nás hodila do II. ceny. Záludný pro nás byl tentokrát také marking, kdy ve velkém porostu pod listy podobnými lopuchům objevila Meggie myšku. Její velký zájem o myš a až následné přinesení bažanta nás posunul do III.ceny.

Ve finále jsem byla ale ráda, že jsme zkoušku vůbec dokončily!!! Byly to velmi náročné dvoudenní zkoušky ve velmi těžkých terénech!

Na zkoušku nastupovalo 23 psů a z toho 14 psů zkoušku nedokončilo. Zde je foto nás devíti, kteří zkoušku dokončili :-) Byla to úžasná zkušenost a těším se moc na další!


A pár fotek ze zkoušek :-)


10.10.2015 - Health results of Ravela Misantos - son of Rocky

Harry (Ravel Misantos): HD A/A, ED 0/0. It is already third and hte same result of this litter. Ravel was also tested for PRA 1 and 2  and both are clear. I am very happy! :-)


9.10.2015 - Health results of Rhapsody Misantos - son of Rocky

Rickyho (Rhapsody Misantos): HD A/A, ED 0/0. I am very happy - congratulations to owners :-)


20.9.2015 - Club show Oslavany

We enjoyed nice weekend on show in Oslavany. Lili (Non-Stop Rome Wasn't Build in a Day) first time in the ring :-)


Non-Stop Rome Wasn't Build in a Day "Lili" - Very promissing 3


Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco "Rocky" - V1 CAC, Best male


29.8.2015 - International show Mladá Boleslav (CZ)

Another fantastic results of our dogs!!!! I am so happy!!! 


Son of Rocky: Ravel Misantos "Harry" - CAJC, BOJ, BOB, BIG1


Daughter of Sofie: Coca-Cola Dorado Blanco - CAJC


Son of Rocky: Apollo Goldymate - CAC

Ice Fredina Agi "Violetta" - Very promissing 1



22. - 28.8.2015 - Weekly holiday full of training :-)

Wonderful week with my dogs!!! 


28.8.2015 - Basic breeding working examination
Progeny from Meggie and Sofie passed breding working examination successfully and I am very proud of them!! :-)

Brave Lady Dorado Blanco - 22 months


Coca-Cola Dorado Blanco - 12 months



22.8.2015 - Club show Třeboň

So happy about fantastic results on this show:


Away from Sophia Dorado Blanco - CAC, Best Bitch, BOB

Daughter of my Sofi: Coca-Cola Dorado Blanco - CAJC, BOJ

Son of Rocky: Ravel Misanos - CAJC

Daughter of Rocky: Dakota Neposlušně štěně - VN1, BIS BABY



15.8.2015 - Health results of Rocky's daughter Ruby Misantos

I am very happy about health results of Ruby - HD A/A, ED 0/0. Congratulations! :-)



15.8.2015 - Wonderful photos of puppies from Alma and Rocky


Glamour Violet Touch of Heaven / violet girl / in four 4 days / 4 weeks

Glamour Rose Touch of Heaven / pink girl /  in four 4 days / 4 weeks

Glamour Marquierite Touch of Heaven / yellow girl /  in four 4 days / 4 weeks

Glamour Elizabeth Touch of Heaven: red girl / in four 4 days / 4 weeks

Glamour Hugo Touch of Heaven / blue boy / in four 4 days / 4 weeks


27.7.2015 - Club show RK Horka nad Moravou

We had a great success on retriever club show! Rocky got CAC titel in strong champion class, Zarja got CAC titel and Winner of Horka (Best Bitch) and the biggest success achieved Coca-Cola Dorado Blanco - CAJC, BOJ and BOB !!! I am so happy!!!


Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco - champion class Exc1 CAC


Volente Deo Princess and the Pea - open class Exc1 CAC, Best Bitch - Winner of Horka 2015


Coca-Cola Dorado Blanco - junior class, Exc1 CAJC, BOJ, BOB !!!


26.7.2015 - International show Czestochowa Poland


Volente Deo Princess and the Pea "Zarja" - open class Exc 3


Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco "Rocky" - working class Exc 2



18.7.2015 - National show Mladá Boleslav

On Saturday we participated on National show in Mlada Boleslav. This time I asked for help with grooming Nataliya Romasko, who is very experienced with grooming in Ukraine. Both dogs looked after her work stunningly.

Judge of this show Mr. Petr Studeník, the best Czech judge we have. It is confirmed by 93 entered golden retrievers - this is really big participation for national show! I must say that because of him it was the best show I remember for a long time ago! He judged every dog separately, he spent long time to judge every dog closely and everybody got a detailed judgement on paper - all of this on the sun in 37 degrees! My respect!!!

And this show didnt have only great atmosphere, but we also reached fantastic results.... the best best best results :-)))

Rocky is in great condition now and regardless the hot weather he moved with temperament and elegancy. In champion class with 7 enterred dogs he got CAC titel!! :-) Later we won also competition of National winner and finally also BOB!!!! I am so happy that I can not say it! Thank you Rocky and many thanks to the judge!!!!

In afternoon's competiotions my happiness continued when Rocky was placed 2nd in group! It was the day which will never be forgotten!


Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco "Rocky" - CAC, National Winner, BOB, BIG2


Also Zarja reached a great success on this show! In open class with 14 bitches she got a CAC titel! I am happy about this result so much! It was her first time with judge Petr Studeník and his opinion was very important to me!

Volente Deo Princess and the Pea "Zarja" - V1 CAC


On the show rechaed a great success also offspring of our Sofie - Coca-Cola Dorado Blanco. In age of 9 months she struggled in the biggest class, which was bitch junior class with 17 bitches. She was presented by her owner Adelka and they made it very well and Connie got the Excellent 3. Congratulations! :-)

Coca-Cola Dorado Blanco - V3

Also two progenies of Rocky participated on this show. Ruby Misantos in the most full class - junior class with 17 bitches reached nice judgement and Excellent, Rhapsody Misantos also in very full class - junior class with 12 boys reached also very nice judgement and Excellent! Big congratulations!!!

Ruby Misantos - Excellent                                                            Rhapsody Misantos - Excellent

The youngest participant of the show was Dakota Neposlušné štěně, who reached 4 months just on day of the show. She was very very tired by hot weather, but in the ring she did very well! She got very nice judgement and was very promissing 2. Congratulations!!!

Dakota Nepošlušné štěně - VP2

 Big thanks belong to Magdalena Němcová from kennel Touch of Heaven!!!


15.7.2015 - Rocky and Alma have puppies

Alma let us wait for her puppies very long time! :-) Finally on Wednesday the birth has started and five big puppies were born, four girls and one boy. Alma is doing well and puppies too :-)


12.7.2015 - Visit of three litters from our Rocky!

On Sunday we visited kennel Apraxia Felon, where six puppies were born to Clarca (Malorca Misantos). They were just 40 days old and we decided to make first photos on the table :)

I was happy that also other puppies of our Rocky from Ora Amiko kennel have arrived! There were born two puppies, one girl and one boy. They were 41 days old and we made first photos too :-)

And finaly third puppy from our Rocky arrived there, Dakota Neposlušně štěně in age of 3 months. This bitch stayed in kennel Neposlušně štěně and we made a photo too!

I love them all!!!!!

Litter APRAXIA FELON: Rocky and Clara

red girl:

orange girl:

pink girl:

blue boy:

green boy:

viloet boy:


Litter ORA AMIKO: Rocky a Axina:

Blondie Ora Amiko:

Bodie Ora Amiko:


Litter NEPOSLUŠNÉ ŠTĚNĚ: Rocky and Buggie: This bitch stayed in kennel Neposlušně štěně :-)

Dakota Neposlušně štěně - 3 months:



5.7.2015 - Rocky a Kayla Gold Rebecca "Majda" have puppies 

Majda has eight big puppies after very hard birth. Finaly she had to endure a section. Five boys and three girls were born safely. I believe that Majda will make it and will recover soon!

I keep my fingers crossed for you all!!!

28.6.2015 - Dog Dancing

Laila and Violetta are visiting fantastic Dog Dancing training in Prague. They are progressing very quickly and I am very proud of them!

Due to big temperament of Zarja I also started with Dog Dancing lessons with her. She really loves it! If she is continuing this way, we can try first exam till the end of the year. But there is still much to do :-)


Laila and Violetta:


Zarja and myself:



28.6.2015 - Swimming :-)







27.6.2015 - Puppies of our Rocky (Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco)

Puppies of Rocky, who were born to bitches Axikola Ora Amiko and Malorca Misantos, are already 4 weeks old :-) They are very strong. Their wight is between 3,0 - 3,8kg. I like them a lot! :-)

Axikola Ora Amiko x Rocky


Malorca Misantos x Rocky


And one other photo of puppy from Rocky and Buggie - Dakota Neposlušné štěně in age of 3 months. She is very lovely girl and I look forward to see her in show in Mlada Boleslav for the first time in puppy class :-)

Candy Gold Luck x Rocky



20.6.2015 - Working success of our progeny

During last weeks our progeny were very successful in working tests! :-)


Ability Examination - 2nd of May 2015 - Cornetto Dorado Blanco (our litter "C")

Corny passed ability working tests with in I.prize in 8 months of age! It is great success! Congratulations to him and his owner!


Basic ability exam - 17th of May 2015 - Apollo Goldymate (son of our Rocky - Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco)

Apollo participated on basic working tests and obtained 206 points and passed it succesfuly. Apollo has very good nose and has very good ability for working, whoever he is very stubborn and it makes everything more complicated. I am happy that his owners did not give up! Big congratulations! :-)


OVVR - dne 20.6.2015 - Rhapsody Misantos (son of our Rocky - Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco)

Ricky participated on basic working tests in they when he achieved 11 months of age. He reached full number of points and I am very proud of him! Big congratulation to his owner! :-)

18.6.2015 - Photos of our litter "D" from new home

Thank you everybody for great messages you write me and for all photos you send! I am very happy to get them. I see how happy they are!


Dancing Queen - Kvinka


Daiquiri - Kira


Dolce Vita - Amy


Da Vinci - Oslo


Davis Cup - Davi


Disney World - Monty


Dollar - Dasty



15.6.2015 - Bailar en Alma Touch of Heaven is pregnant

Alma is pregnant. Puppies should be born in the middle of July. Father of puppies is our Rocky - Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco!

Keep our fingers crossed!




12.6.2015 - Repeated litter of Kayla Gold Rebecca x Rocky

Majda was mated by our Rocky again. Last year were born nine wonderful puppies and this year Majda's owners decided to try again.

Pregnancy of Majda was confirmed and we look forward to another nice puppies from this combination :-)



5.6.2015 - National show in Slovakian Nitra

On the journey to Slovakia we made a brake for a short walk :-) Zarja and Rocky were happy to be in the air for some time :-)




The results in this show were great for both our dogs!

Rocky got CAC titel in working class and finished his Slovakian Champion titel! :-)


It was Zarja's last time in intermediate class, she got CAC titel and become expectant of Slovakian champion titel!



1.6.2015 - Puppies in Apraxia Felon kennel

Malorca Misantos "Clara" gave birth to three strong boys and three lovely girls. The birth was quick and without any complications. All puppies are doing well and Clara too :-) Congratulations!!! :-)


31.5.2015 - Axikola Ora Amiko has puppies

Axikola has puppies! Father of the puppies is our Rocky :-) Axikola gave to one big boy and one even bigger girl. Boy had 515 g and girl 600g. Birth was quite complicated. I am happy Axina is doing well now and puppies too!! Take care dear Axi.



30.5.2015 - Club show in Konopiště

Rocky was entered in champion class. There was together seven wonderful males. Rocky was in great condition, I love his movement so much!!!!

He got 3rd place with Excellent under judge Mrs. Marianne Skott Jespersen :-)


Zarja was entered in intermediate class. There was 15 bitches together. Judge Mrs. Mrs. Rikke Borring loved Zarja very much, she appreciated mainly here movement and her temperament and drive.

This was the most succesful show for Zarja! She got CAC, Club Winner and finaly BOB under judges Mrs. Rikke Borring and Mrs. Marianne Skott Jespersen. I am over the moon!!!!


I already enjoyed such win in year 2010 with my first golden Coren Zlatá kudrnka, who died becuase of cancer before his 2nd birthday.

Konopiště year 2010 - Coren Zlatá kudrnka (17.5.2009 - 10.5.2011)



Also progeny of our Sofie (Away from Sophia Dorado Blanco) participated on the show. She was in very strong junior class (20 bitches).  I am very happy about her great success when she got Excellent 1 with CAJC!!! :-)

Also progeny of our Rocky participated on this show. Ravel Misantos was excellent between 16 dogs in junior class and Ruby Misantos was also excellent in junior class (20 bitches). Congratulatoins! :-)


24.5.2015 - Inernational show in Polish Rzeszow

Great results from the show in Poland. Rocky was there first time and got first CWC titel :-)


Volente Deo Princess and the Pea "Zarja" - intermediate - Exc3


Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco "Rocky" - working class - Exc1 CWC



22.5.2015 - First time on the table - Litter "D" in 6 weeks :-)

I love them very much!!!!


Dancing Queen Dorado Blanco "Kvinka" - red girl:


Discovery Dorado Blanco "Seppo" - blue boy:


 Dollar Dorado Blanco "Dasty" - green boy:


Daiquiri Dorado Blanco "Kira" - yellow girl:


Davis Cup Dorado Blanco "Davi" - silver boy:


Dolce Vita Dorado Blanco "Amy" - pink girl:


Da Vinci Dorado Blanco - orange boy:


Disney World Dorado Blanco "Monty" - violet boy:


D'Artagnan Dorado Blanco "Archie" - braun boy:



13.5.2015 - PRA1 & PRA2

During the show in Prag there was a possibility to test PRA. I decided to test Zarja and I am very happy about her results! :-) Zarju is PRA1 and PRA2 clear!

On the show was tasted also Ravel Misantos, son of our Rocky - Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco and Chanel Coco Misantos. The results are great: PRA1 and PRA2 clear :-)


3.5.2015 - Our new family member :-)

My daughter's dream come truth!

My daughter Laila had a dream to have a collie in the future. She wanted to make dog dancing with her. Finally I decided to look for one ... and here she is :-) Her name is Ice Fredina Agi and we will call here Vio, Violette, Violettka... :-)

Photos of happy Laila with little Vio and her parents:


Vio has got used in our home very quickly. Our other dogs accepted here immediately and they play together since a first day :-)


Playing with Zarja :-)


2.5.2015 - CACIB Prague

Fantastic Saturday with great results on Prague dog show!! :-)


Volente Deo Princess and the Pea "Zarja" - intermediate class (10 bitches) - Exc 1 + CAC


Daughter of our Sofie: Connie "Coca-Cola Dorado Blanco" - puppy class (4 bitches) - VP1


Also progenies of our Rocky "JCh CZ&HU, Ch CZ&HU, InterCh, Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco" achieved great results on this show:

Apollo Goldymate - intermediate (4 dogs) - Exc3
Ravel Misantos "Harry" - junior class (9 dogs) - Exc1 CAJC
Rhapsody Misantos "Riky" - junior class (9 dogs) - Exc
Ruby Misantos - junior class (12 bitches) - Exc3


                             Apollo Goldymate                                                                    Ravel Misantos

                            Rhapsody Misantos                                                                Ruby Misantos




10.4.2015 - Puppies are born!

Meggie and Irby have 6 strong boys and 3 sweet girls! :-) I am soooo happy!!!!

More information in "Puppies" 



1.4.2015 - Only one week remaining to our litter "D"

54th day of pregnancy


29.3.2015 - Ravel Misantos (8 months)

We had a nice visit by son of our Rocky - Ravel Misantos. He is very nice and temperament dog! :-)

29.3.2015 - Brave Lady Dorado Blanco - Lara visiting us

On Sunday we were visited by daughter of our Meggie - Lara :-) She is very very sweet and happy bitch! :-)


18.3.2015 - Grace and Rocky have puppies, 2 boys + 7 girls :-)




18.3.2015 - Buggie and Rocky have puppies, 4 boys + 3 girls




7.3.2015 - New photos of our future mother Meggie


Ch CZ & SK Morgiana Misantos "U"


2.3.2015 - Meggie is pregnant

YEEEEES!!! :-) Meggie is expecting puppies!!!! They should be born around 10th of April :-)


1.3.2015 - Meeting of litter "C"

Fantastic walk with progenies of our Sofie!!! :-) Hope to repeat it soon again!


From left: mother Sofinka, Coca-Cola "Connie", Cranberry "Ebi", Couscous "Charlie", Cornetto "Corni" a Caramella "Megi"



Caramella "Megi"


Coca-Cola "Connie"


Cranberry "Ebi"


Cornetto "Corni"


Couscous "Charlie"



15.2.2015 - Training with Zarja




8.2.2015 - DUOCACIB Brno

We enjoyed the show in Brno with Rocky and Connie - Coca-Cola Dorado Blanco (daughter of our Sofie). Zarja had to stay at home as she started her period.

It was clear very quickly that judge Mr. Duško Piljevič (SRB) prefers white goldens. Rocky was leaving with excellent and Connie got wonderful judging with very promissing 1 :-)


Coca-Cola Dorado Blanco - puppy class - VP1


Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco - champion class - Exc



6.2.2015 - Meggie was mated

Meggie is in period already 11 days and Rocky started to be crazy about her. This convinced me to go for progesteron tests. The result was 7,7ng and we decided to mate her the same day afternoon. Father of our future puppies will be Irby - Egoiste du Bois de la Rayere, the same father of our litter C.

Keep the fingers crossed. We will see at the beginning of March if our journey was successful :-)



1.2.2015 - Walking on the sun :-)

Today, after long time, the sun was shining again! This conviced me to take a camera with me and take some new pictures :-) On this walk I was joined by my daugher Sabrina and her best friend Nela. And this is how we enjoyed it.... :-)




24.1.2015 - Zarja on show in Poland

On friday Zarja left with my friend Magda Němcova to Polish national show in Glogow. Zarja was entered in intermediate class with other four bitches. To my great happiness Zarja did very well and under judge Mr. Tomasz Mroczek she got CWC titel and next to this Best Bitch and finaly BOB!!! Thank you very much Magda for fantastic presentation of Zarja and last but not least for taking care of my lovely girl during whole weekend :-)




21.1.2015 - Clarka and Rocky have puppies

Clara Apraxia Felon gave birth to ten wonderful puppies, 7 boys and 3 girl :-) Clara feels very well and takes care of puppies great! Here are first photos from bith box