C.I.B., C.I.E., JCh CZ+HU, Ch CZ, HU, SK, PL, GrandCh CZ
Veteran Ch CZ
Bonett Bride to Dorado Blanco "Rocky"
Rocky is imported dog of English and Spenish blood. He has very friendly, relaxed and peaceful temperament. Rocky has great exterior, wonderful head with male expression and significant stop, strong bones, good front and back angulation and nice golden coat. Rocky is not only a show dog. I try to lead him also as a working dog. He likes working with animals very much and although he is quite lazy dog, during training he shows a very good temperament :-)
- Born: 16th May, 2011
- High: 58,5 cm
- Teeth: Full, scissor bite
- HD, ED: HD A/A, ED 0/0
- Health: Test PRA1 clear, PRA2 clear, PRCD clear, ICT carrier
- Breeder: Krisztina Süli
- Owner: Lenka Nokič
Dog Shows (baby, puppy and junior class):
Czech junior champion, Hungarian junior champion
3x VN1, 1x VN2, 1x VN
3x V2, 2x V3, 1x V4
V1 Jung.Anw. Dt.Ch.VDH, 5x V1 CAJC
5x BOJ, 3x Junior BOG1, 2x Junior Best in Show 1
1x BIG 3
3rd BEST JUNIOR on World Dog Show 2013
Dog Shows (intermediate, open, working class):
The Junior Champion of Champions RK CZ 2013, The Champion of Champions RK CZ 2013, Qualified on Crufts 2015
Expectant of German VDH Champion
16x CAC, 15x res CAC
3x CWC
1x V1 Anw. D. Ch. VDH
4x res CACIB
Národní vítěz Ml.Boleslav 2015
Oslavany Club show winner 2015
4x BOB, 1x BOS
1x BIG1, 1x BIG 2, 1x BIG3
Derby Winner 2012 in Hungary
Dog Shows (class honour, veteran):
Expectant of Czech veteran Ch
3x Exc honour class, 3x Honour Best in Show 1st
3x Exc1 veteran, 2x BOV
Year 2022
Date | Show | Class | Results |
10/2022 | International České Budějovice | veteran | Exc1, BOV |
Year 2020
Date | Show | Class | Results |
01/2020 | National show Brno | veteran | Exc1, BOV |
Year 2019
Date | Show | Class | Results |
05/2019 | Club show Humpolec | honour | Exc1, BIS honour 1st |
05/2019 | Club show Humpolec | honour | Exc1, BIS honour 1st |
08/2019 | Regional show Týn nad Vlt. | veteran | Exc1 |
Year 2018
Date | Show | Class | Results |
05/2018 | Club show Humpolec | champion | Exc2 res CAC |
05/2018 | Club show Humpolec | champion | Exc1 CAC |
05/2018 | Club show Chlumec n.Cidl. | champion | Exc3 |
08/2018 | Club show Třeboň | honour | Exc1, BIS honour 1st |
Year 2017
Date | Show | Class | Results |
01/2017 | National show Brno | champion | Exc2 res CAC |
05/2017 | Club show Humpolec | champion | Exc2 res CAC |
08/2017 | MVP Mladá Boleslav | šampionů | Exc1 CAC |
Year 2016
Date | Show | Class | Results |
02/2016 | DUOCACIB Brno | working | Exc2 res CAC (6) |
03/2016 | MVP Zielona Gora (PL) | champion | Exc1 CWC (4), CACIB, BOS |
04/2016 | NV Wroclaw (PL) | working | Exc1 CWC (1) |
04/2016 | MVP Praha | champion | Exc3 (5) |
05/2016 | Club show Humpolec | champion | Exc (12) |
05/2015 | Club show Humpolec | champion | Exc1 CAC (12) |
06/2016 | Club show Konopiště | champion | Exc3 (10) |
10/2016 | MVP České Budějovice | champion | Exc2 res CAC, res CACIB |
Year 2015
Date | Show | Class | Results |
02/2015 | DUOCACIB Brno | champion | Exc (7) |
05/2015 | MVP Rzeszowie (PL) | working | Exc1 CWC (3), Best working dog |
05/2015 | Club show Konopiště | champion | Exc3 (7) |
06/2015 | NV Nitra (SK) | working | Exc1 CAC (2) |
07/2015 | NV Mladá Boleslav | champion | Exc1 CAC (7), National winner BOB, BIG2 |
07/2015 | MVP Czestochowa (PL) | working | Exc2 (2) |
07/2015 | Club show Horka | champion | Exc1 CAC (6) |
09/2015 | Club show Oslavany | champion | Exc1 CAC (8), Best Male Oslavany Winner |
11/2015 | International show Praha | open | V4 (7) |
Year 2014
Date | Show | Class | Results |
01/2014 | MVP Trenčín (SK) | working | V1 CAC (3) |
02/2014 | MVP Budapešť (HU) | working | Exc1 CAC (4), CACIB, BOB, BIG1 |
02/2014 | DUOCACIB Brno | working | Exc2 res CAC (5) |
04/2014 | MVP České Budějovice | working | Exc1 CAC (1) |
04/2014 | MVP Praha | open | Exc1 CAC, CACIB, BOB nomination Crufts 2015 |
05/2014 | Club show Humpolec | working | Exc3 (10) |
05/2014 | Club show Humpolec | working | Exc2 res CAC (10) |
06/2014 | Club show Konopiště | working | Exc3 (7) |
06/2014 | Club show Konopiště | working | Exc4 (6) |
08/2014 | MVP Mladá Boleslav | champion | Exc4 (5) |
11/2014 | DUOCACIB Praha | champion | Exc1 CAC (8), CACIB |
Year 2013
Date | Show | Class | Results |
02/2013 | DUOCACIB Brno | intermediate | Exc (9) |
02/2013 | DUOCACIB Brno | intermediate | VG (9) |
02/2013 | MVP Nitra (SK) | intermediate | Exc2 res CAC |
02/2012 | MVP Nitra (SK) | intermediate | Exc2 res CAC |
04/2013 | MVP Dresden (DE) | open | Exc1 Anw.Dt.CH. VDH |
04/2013 | Club show Humpolec | intermediate | Exc1 |
04/2013 | MVP Praha | intermediate | Exc1 CAC, res CACIB |
04/2013 | World Dog Show Budapest | open | Exc v best TOP10 (37!!!) |
06/2013 | Klubová výstava Konopiště | Club champion | Junior šampion šampionů RK 2013 Šampion šampionů RK CZ 2013 |
07/2013 | MVP Mladá Boleslav | open | Exc4 (11) |
09/2013 | Klubová výstava Oslavany | open | Exc2 res CAC (7) |
11/2013 | DUOCACIB Nitra (SK) | open | Exc2 res CAC |
11/2013 | DUOCACIB Nitra (SK) | open | Exc4 |
Year 2012
Date | Show | Class | Results |
02/2012 | DUOCACIB Brno | puppy | VP1 (8) |
02/2012 | DUOCACIB Brno | puppy | VP1 (8) |
03/2012 | MVP Nitra (SK) | junior | Exc4 (8) |
03/2012 | MVP Nitra (SK) | junior | Exc2 (6) |
04/2012 | MVP Dresden (DE) | junior | Exc1, BOJ, JBIG1, JBIS |
05/2012 | Club show Humpolec | junior | Exc1 (15), CAJC, KV mladých, JBIS |
05/2012 | Club show Humpolec | junior | Exc2 (13) |
05/2012 | World Dog Show Salzburg | junior | Exc3 (43!!!) |
05/2012 | MVP Litoměřice | junior | Exc1 (5), CAJC, BOJ, BOB, JBIG1, BIG3 |
06/2012 | Club show Konopiště | junior | Exc2 (18) |
06/2012 | Club show Konopiště | junior | Exc2 (13) |
06/2012 | MVP Brno | junior | Exc1 (14), CAJC, BOJ, JBIG1 |
08/2012 | MVP Lipsko | junior | Exc3 |
08/2012 | CACIB Debrecen (HU) | junior | Exc1 CAJC, BOJ |
08/2012 | CACIB Debrecen (HU) | junior | Exc1 CAJC, BOJ |
09/2012 | CACIB Székesfehérvár (HU) | intermediate | Exc1 CAC, CACIB |
09/2012 | CACIB Székesfehérvár (HU) | intermediate | Exc1 CAC, res CACIB |
09/2012 | Club show Oslavany | intermediate | Exc2 res CAC (11) |
10/2012 | Derby CACIB Komarom (HU) | intermediate | Exc1 CAC, res CACIB, Derby winner Best Derby golden retriever 2012 |
11/2012 | MVP Praha | intermediate | Exc2 res CAC (5) |
11/2012 | MVP Praha | intermediate | Exc2 res CAC (6) |
12/2012 | MVP Nitra (SK) | open | Exc2 res CAC (2) |
12/2012 | MVP Nitra (SK) | open | Exc3 (6) |
Year 2011
Date | Show | Class | Results |
09/2011 | National show Brno | baby | VP1 (1) |
09/2011 | Club show Oslavany | baby | VP2 (8) |
11/2011 | MVP Praha | baby | VP (9) |
Working Test:
8/2012 Retriever ability exam 206/232 points
9/2013 Water hunting tests, II.prize, 117/136 points
K9 data here
InterCh Spain/GBZ Ch GBZ Jch Portugal Ch Baron of Stanroph Du Domaine des Rives de L´Erde |
International - French - Luxemburg Ch Taram Du Bois de La Rayere |
Beeangee Jumping Jack Flash |
Alibren Mon Cheri Avec Stanroph | ||
Lux JCh Stanroph So It´s A Miracle |
Elswood The Highlander | |
Stanroph So Be It | ||
MultiCh HCh, RoCh, HJCh, CZCh, CroCh Bossa Nova De Ria Vela |
BOB, BOG, MultiCAC, MultiCACIB Edgar De La Charola |
Charola - Mississippi |
Shaphiron Debonair | ||
Seven-Angels De Ria Vela | Zampazar Always-You | |
Toscana Du Bois de La Rayere |
P H O T O G A L L E R Y - H E R E